Report - Sales By Day

Report - Sales By Day

Report Menu

  1. Navigate to the "Report Menu" bar at the top of "X Dispatch".
  2. Click "Sales By Day (On Demand)" from the report context menu

Sales By Day (On Demand)

The report Sales By Day can prove to be a valuable report to see any trends that occur with On Demand work.

Report Parameters

Field NameDescription
FromBeginning date of date range for financial data to be pulled for day of week.
ToEnding date of date range for financial data to be pulled for day of week.
Compare Date FieldDate field to be used in date range comparison (Options include DueTimeTo, ReadyTimeFrom, OrderedTime, and Delivered)

Report Results

Field NameDescription
DayThe day of the week that the orders in the date range were placed/picked up/delivered.
OrdersThe number of orders that were associated with the day of the week in the date range.
TotalThe total amount of revenue associated with the day of the week in the date range.
AverageThe average amount of revenue per order for the day of the week in the date range.