Report - Time Mileage Report

Report - Time Mileage Report

The Time/Mileage Report lists the hours worked or miles traveled for employees within a time frame based on the Time Clock feature. 

You can reach the "Time Mileage Report" from the "Report" menu.

Report Menu

  1. Navigate to the "Report Menu" bar at the top of "X Dispatch".
  2. Click"Time/Mileage Report"from the report context menu.

Report Parameters

Field NameDescription
ReportThe name of the Report you are generating. This can be selected by clicking on the dropdown arrow
Begin DateThe start date range for the Time/Mileage Report
End DateThe end date range for the Time/Mileage Report
HR ID/LoginThe X Dispatch Customer number. Enter "0" to generate a report for all customers in X Dispatch
Grace MinutesThe Human Resource ID or Login name for the Human Resource to generate the report for. Leaving this field blank will generate a report for all Human Resources
Show Totals OnlyChecking this will only show the totals for Time Worked and distance driven (if selected)
Show Hourly Pay RateChecking this will show the hourly pay rate for the Human Resource listed on the Human Resource form
Show MileageChecking this will show the number of miles driven for each driver, based upon the odometer entries on the Time Clock

Report Results

Button NameDescription
DateThe date of the recorded Time Clock entry
Time WorkedThe total number of hours worked in hours and minutes, calculated from the Time In and Time Out values on the Time Clock
Number of inconsistent punches (clock-ins without a clock-out)The number of times a Human Resource has clocked in on the Time Clock, but did not enter a corresponding Time Out entry. 
Total Odometer MilesThe total number of miles, calculated from the Odometer In and Odometer out values on the Time Clock