Dispatch - Driver - Driver Order Sequence

Dispatch - Driver - Driver Order Sequence

The Driver Order Sequence form allows you to arrange the sequence of the pickup and delivery of the orders that are assigned to a driver.

To view the form, from the Active Drivers grid of the Dispatch board (from either X Route or On Demand), right-click on a driver and select Driver Order Sequence

The driver order sequence will only display in Nextstop when the driver's sort order is set to "Itinerary". See Stops Workflow.

Field NameDescription


Order ID
SeqSequence number for stop.

The type of stop. 

  • P: Pickup 
  • D: Delivery
NameName of the customer.
AddressAddress of the stop.
CityCity of the stop.
StateState of the stop.
ZipZip of the stop.
From TimeEarliest date and time to pick up or deliver to the stop.
To TimeLatest date and time to pick up or deliver to the stop.
ETAEstimated time of arrival at the stop.

Auto SequenceClick to automatically sequence stops based on date and time.
XIAD SequenceClick to sequence stops based on XIAD. For older versions of X Dispatch. 
RefreshClick to reload stops assigned to the driver.
OKClick to save changes and close form.
CancelClick to discard changes and close form.
ApplyClick to save changes and keep the form open.

How to Re-Sequence the Pickup or Delivery of an Order

Select the stop by clicking on the row and drag and drop to the desired position. Click the OK or Apply button to save changes when done.

The driver's itinerary view in Nextstop is updated when the Driver Order Sequence form is saved. 


  1. Select the stop by clicking on the row.
  2. Click the up or down arrow  to move your selection.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any additional order stops.
  4. Click the OK or Apply button.

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