Driver Active Orders (X Dispatch 20.0 or Older)
For X Dispatch 20.0 or older. See here for newer versions.
Active Orders displays all orders, and the order information, currently assigned to the driver.
To view Active Orders, double click on a driver on the Active Drivers grid on the On Demand Dispatch board or the Route Dispatch board.
Quick Tip
Double click on an order to view or edit the Order Status.
Fields | Descriptions |
Driver ID | Driver ID of the driver assigned to the order. A blank DriverID means that there is no driver is assigned to the order. |
Order ID | Order ID of the order. A flag Set Dispatch Flag" is set on the comment field. See Orders. will appear to the left of the order ID if "The order ID will be highlighted magenta if it is a return or continuation order. Return and continuation orders are designated by a number with a decimal extension. For example, if a 3 part delivery's first order ID is "3456" then the two additional ID's for that are are "3456.01" and "3456.02". |
Cust | Customer ID for the customer associated with the order. The customer ID is colored based on the Dispatch Priority setting on the Orders tab of the customer record.
Priority | Dispatch Priority setting on the Orders tab of the customer record. |
P/U In | Time in minutes between the Pickup To time (pickup deadline) on the order and the current time. An "F" after the time displays for future orders. Highlight Colors
Del In | Time in minutes between the Delivery To time (delivery deadline) on the order and the current time. An "F" after the time displays for future orders. Highlight Colors
OriginName | Origin Address name on the order. |
OriginAddress | Origin Address on the order. The address will be in red if the address has not been validated. The address will be highlighted in green if the address is marked as the next stop for the driver assigned to the order. |
OriginCity | Origin Address city. |
OriginState | Origin Address state. |
OriginZip | Origin Address zip or postal code. |
OriginComments | Origin Remarks for the order. |
DestName | Destination Address name on the order. |
DestAddress | Destination Address on the order. The address will be in red if the address has not been validated. The address will be highlighted in green if the address is marked as the next stop for the driver assigned to the order. |
DestCity | Destination Address city. |
DestState | Destination Address state. |
DestZip | Destination Address zip or postal code. |
DestComments | Destination Remarks for the order. |
Ref1 | References for the order. |
Ref2 | |
BillingGroup | Billing Group of the order. |
ReadyTimeFrom | The order's Pickup From time. |
ReadyTimeTo | The order's Pickup To time. |
DueTimeFrom | The order's Delivery From time. |
DueTimeTo | The order's Delivery To time. |
Dispatched | The timestamp of when the order was dispatched to a driver from either the On-Demand Dispatch Board or order form. |
Transmitted | The timestamp of when the order was transmitted to X Mobile. |
Received | The timestamp of when the order was received by X Mobile. |
Confirmed | The timestamp of when the order was confirmed by the driver. |
RejectedByDriver | The timestamp of when the order was rejected by the driver. |
PickedUp | The timestamp of when the order was picked up by the driver. |
ReceivedAtDepot | The timestamp of when the order was received at the depot. |
Delivered | The timestamp of when the order was delivered by the driver. |
VerifiedForBilling | The timestamp of when the order was verified by an X Dispatch user |
AtOrigin | Requires X Dispatch 20.0.5 or newer. The timestamp of when the driver arrived at the origin. |
AtDestination | Requires X Dispatch 20.0.5 or newer. The timestamp of when the driver arrived at the destination. |
Pieces | Number of pieces in the order. |
Weight | The total weight of parcels/pieces in the order. |
OrderType | The Order Type ID. |
Type | Description of the order type. |
IsParent | If the order is the parent order of multiple order.
ExampleThe first order in a 2 part delivery order, order ID 3456, is the parent and will have the value of "1" and the additional order, order ID 3456.01, will have the value of "0". |
Caller | The Contact on the order. |
OrderDispatchZone | Zone associated with the Origin Address. |
DestDispatchZone | Zone associated with the Destination Address. |
FleetID | Fleet ID assigned to the order. |
FleetName | Description of the fleet. |
Email on the order. | |
DriverPercent | The percentage value is used to calculate how much the driver will be paid. The Percent amount in the driver tab of the order form. |
LocalName | Name of the customer associated with the order. |
ServerTime | The current server time. |
OrderComments | Order Comments on the order. |
ParcelType | The selected Parcel Info on the order. |
ServiceType | Service Type ID on the order. |
Service | Description of the service type. |
DispatchReminder | Dispatch Reminder set on the customer record. |
OriginLat | The latitude of the Origin Address. |
OriginLon | The longitude of the Origin Address. |
DestLat | The latitude of the Destination Address. |
DestLon | The longitude of the Destination Address. |
DisplayWarning | Whether or not a warning icon for an unconfirmed or rejected stop is displayed.
AutoDispatchFlag | Deprecated field. |
Score | Deprecated field. |
Pickup ETA | Estimated time and date that the driver will arrive at the Origin address. If the order has been picked up it will have a value of "Completed". |
DeliverETA | Estimated time and date that the driver will arrive at the Destination address. If the order has been picked up it will have a value of "Completed". |
TotalParcels | Total number of parcels existing on the completed order. |
OverParcels | Total number of parcels indicated as "Overages" on the completed order (parcels not originally on the order as expected). |
Short | Total number of parcels indicated as "Short" on the completed order (unscanned or undelivered parcels). |
Exceptions | Total number of parcels indicated as "Exceptions" on the completed order. |
DepartureTime | The time of the departing flight on the order. |
DepartureAirline | The name of the airline of the departure flight on the order. |
DepartureFlightNum | The flight number of the departing flight on the order. |
ArrivalTime | The time of the arrival flight on the order. |
Arrival Airline | The name of the airline of the arrival flight on the order. |
ArrivalFlightNum | The flight number of the arrival flight on the order. |
Attachments | The number of attachments on the order. |
DepotScan | Displays a "1" if a depot scan was performed on the order barcode. See Dispatch - Depot Scan. A depot scan on the order barcode requires X Route and will add a timestamp to the following order status fields Confirmed, Picked Up, and At Depot. |
If the order has a dispatch flag set, a red flag icon will be displayed. | |
DispatchWarningMinutes | Dispatch show time on the order type of the order. |
ReceivedAtDock | The timestamp of when the order was received at the dock. |
AccountKey | Alternate Lookup for the customer associated to the order. |
UserData | Columns UserData0 - UserData12 to display the order User Fields. |
CreatedWhen | The timestamp of when the order was created. |
Right-Click Menu
Quick Tip
Selection (Shortcut) | Description |
Dispatch Driver (Num 6) | Opens a form to dispatch or remove a driver from the order. |
Edit Order (Num 8) | Open the order form to edit the order. |
Edit Order Notes... (') | Open the order form and selects the Notes tab. |
Edit Order User Fields... (u) | Open the order form and selects the User Fields tab. |
Update Status | Update the status of the selected order(s) to
Edit Status (Enter) | Open the Order Status form for the order. |
Make Next Stop | Select which address of the order should be marked as the next stop for the driver.
Remove Driver (CTRL + Delete) | Remove the driver from the order. The driver will receive a notification that the order has been deleted. |
Add to Batch... ([) | Add to or create a new group of orders on the dispatch board. You can use the Look For and Search Under "Batch" to filter and display the batch. If the order is already associated with a batch this will override the original Batch value. |
Add To Consolidation Manifest | Add order to a consolidation manifest which can be printed and distributed to a delivery person. |
Send Text Message | Send a message to the driver. See Sending a Message to Mobile User from X Dispatch. |
Re-send Message (Insert) | Resends order information to delivery personnel via X Mobile. Feature only available for orders already sent via X Mobile. |
Send Cancel Message (Delete) | Send a cancel message to the driver. This does not cancel the order or remove the driver from the order. |
Show User Data | Add columns (UserData0 - UserData12) to display the order User Fields. |
Save Layout (Num 0) | Save the Active Orders layout. See Grid Layouts on the Dispatch Board. |
Reset Layout | Reset the Active Orders layout. |
Get Directions... | Requires X Dispatch 19.2 or newer. Get directions from the Origin address to the Destination address from Google. |
Get Directions to Origin with Google | Get directions from your location to the Origin address from Google. |
Get Directions to Destination with Google | Get directions from your location to the Destination address from Google. |