Parcel Manifest

Parcel Manifest

The Parcel Manifest is used to view and manage parcels assigned to a route stop. It displays all existing parcels for a stop, whether the parcel was created on the stop or chained to the stop. Parcels are assigned to route stops manually through X Dispatch, Nextstop, X Mobile, X Internet, Rapidship or automatically via the ASN import file process.

For X Mobile Users

If parcels are modified on a route that has already been downloaded by delivery personnel via X Mobile, the route must be downloaded again to get the latest changes. 

Quick Tips

  • Use the filter option to filter which parcels appear in the parcel manifest by going to FileFilter and selecting between Show AllScannedOver, or Short.
  • When using the right-click menu, make sure that the parcel is selected and the row highlighted blue.


PKIDUnique database value for the parcel. Hidden field by default. 

Barcode of the parcel. Can be defined manually, imported via "ASN" file, or field scanned. 

Quick Tip

To view the barcode in a graphical barcode display, go to FileBarcode.

Parcel IDUnique ID of parcel. Hidden field by default.
Scanned Time

Time parcel is scanned. This can be done through a mobile device or added in the Edit Scan Details form. See How to Set Up Scanning in Nextstop or Parcels - Parcel Scan Details.


Parcel's scan comments. 

Quick Tip

Select a parcel, then right click and select Edit Scan Details to add or edit the Scan Comments. See Parcels - Parcel Scan Details.

Pcs/WtThe number of pieces and weight of the parcel.
PiecesThe number of pieces for the parcel.  Hidden field by default.
WeightThe weight of the parcel. Hidden field by default.
Reference2Reference2 of the parcel. See Parcel Manifest - New/Edit Parcel.
Parcel TypeType of parcel. For example, box, crate, envelope, etc. See Parcel Types (Classic Operations App).
Creation Type

Identifies how parcel was created.

ASN - Imported ASN file

Field Scan - Nextstop or X Mobile

Dispatch - Manually in X Route

Paired - Paired from Nextstop or X Mobile.  See How to Pair a Parcel.

Required Count - Required parcel type from customer record. See Customers - New/Edit Customer.

Creation TypeID

ID for the "Creation Type" in the previous column. Hidden field by default.

0 = ASN

1 = Field Scan

2 = Dispatch

3 = Paired

4 = Required Count

Manual ScanScanning status of the parcel. 
Exception ID

If the parcel has exceptions, shows ID of exception code used. See Status Codes (Classic Operations App).

Quick Tip

Select a parcel, then right click and select Edit Scan Details to add or edit the Exception Code. See Parcels - Parcel Scan Details.

Exception Description

If the parcel has exceptions, shows the description of exception code used. See Status Codes (Classic Operations App).

Quick Tip

Select a parcel, then right click and select Edit Scan Details to add or edit the Exception Code. See Parcels - Parcel Scan Details.

Master BarcodeMaster barcode used for the parcel.  Master barcodes can be used to create link multiple parcels so that when the master barcode is scanned, all of the parcels attached to it are updated. 
DescriptionDescription of parcel entered when the parcel was created.

How to View a Hidden Field

  1. Hover over the field after the hidden field you would like to view.
  2. When you see the one-sided arrow, click and drag to expand the size of the hidden field.

How to Access the Parcel Manifest

You can access the parcel manifest from the route manifest or active route stop.

From a Route Manifest

  1. Right-click on the stop.
  2. Select  Distribution Parcels.

From an Active Route Stop

There are 2 ways to view the parcel manifest from an active route stop.

  • Click the Distribution Parcels icon  at the top right of the window.
  • Click the Distribution Parcels button at the bottom of the window.