Parcel Stops Manifest

Parcel Stops Manifest

The Parcel Stops Manifest displays all the route stops that the parcel is assigned to, including the route, scan time, and expected scanning sequence. This is useful for stops linked by "Marking as a Customer/Global Load Stop" or using the "Load from/to Stop" functionality in the Planning section, to confirm route chaining is set up correctly and the parcel will have the appropriate chain of custody scans done by drivers. In the example below, the parcel is assigned to 3 stops, a Receive, Load, and Delivery stop - and the parcel is expected to be scanned in that order.



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PrintPrint the parcel stops manifest to your default printer.
RefreshRefresh the list of route stops.
Remove ParcelRemove the parcel from the selected route stop.


Field NameDescription
Stop AddressThe address of the stop the parcel is assigned to.
Min, Max, Pref, ActualThe time for the min, max, preferred and actual time of the route stop.
RouteIDThe route ID of the route that the stop is on.
ORSIDThe order route stop ID of the stop.
Scanned TimeThe time stamp of when the parcel was scanned.

Parcel's scan comments. 

Quick Tip

Select a parcel, then right click and select Edit Scan Details to add or edit the Scan Comments. See Parcels - Parcel Scan Details.

Expected Scan SeqThe expected sequence of scans for the parcel, on different route stops.

How to Access the Parcel Stops Manifest

From the Parcel Manifest

There are 2 ways to view the parcel stops manifest from the parcel manifest.

  • Right click on the parcel and select View All Assigned Stops.
  • Highlight a parcel then go to FileView All Assigned Stops.

From Editing a Parcel

Click File at the top of the window and select Assigned Route Stops.

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