Parcels - Parcel Scan Details

Parcels - Parcel Scan Details

The Edit Scan Details form allows you to review and edit the parcel scan details.

Field NameDescription
Scan Timestamp

The time stamp of when the parcel was scanned.  

Quick Tip

Clicking "Scan Timestamp" will enter the current date and time as the scan time for the parcel if no scan time exists. If a scan time exists, clicking "Scan Timestamp" will remove the time stamp of the parcel.

Scan CommentsThe comments related to the scanning of the parcel.
Exception CodeThe exception code of the parcel. See Status Codes (Classic Operations App).
Save And CloseClick to save the information and close the form.
CancelClick to cancel and close the form.

How to Access the Edit Scan Details Form

You can access the parcel manifest from the route manifest or parcel stops manifest.

From a Route Manifest

  1. Click on the parcel you would like to edit scan details for.
  2. Right click on the route manifest.
  3. Select Edit Scan Details.

From a Parcel Stops Manifest

  1. Click on the parcel you would like to edit scan details for.
  2. Right click on the parcel stops manifest.
  3. Select Edit Scan Details.