X Route - Dispatch - Set Driver Pay

X Route - Dispatch - Set Driver Pay

Driver Route Pay Form

The Driver Route Pay form overrides the pay for a driver on a route. To access this form, right-click a route in the Route Dispatch board and select the option "Set Driver Pay"

The Driver Route Pay form appears.

Field NameDescription
Route IDID of route. Defaults to ID of routeuser  right-clicked upon. It may be changed to another Route ID and grid reloaded by using the "Get Details" button.
FromEarliest date for which to see/edit driver pay information.
ToLatest date for which to see/edit driver pay information.
Get DetailsClick to refresh grid once Route ID and dates are selected.
GridDisplays driver pay data for selected Route ID and dates. Information about fields in grid is reviewed in section below: "Editing Driver Route Pay."
OKSaves changes made to driver pay and closes form.
CancelCloses form without saving.
ApplySaves changes made and keeps form open.

Editing Driver Route Pay

To edit driver pay, choose row within grid that to edit.

Field NameDescription
RouteIDRead only. The Route ID for the route referenced by this row. This will be the same as the Route ID in the Route ID textbox above unless you have changed the value and haven't yet clicked Get Details.
PostDateRead only. The date on which the route was posted.
TotalPayUse field to set total pay for driver on selected route for day.
SurchargePayUse field to set surcharge pay for driver on selected route for day.
LockedCheck box to lock row from future edits. Row is unlocked by unchecking box. Unchecking box causes prompts for confirmation.  Click "Yes" to unlock row or "No" to cancel.
Pay StyleRead only. Displays pay style for route.
Pay TypeRead only. Displays pay type for route.
FreqRead only. Displays how many stops on the route are paying the driver.
SettlementNumberRead only. Displays settlement number on which route was paid.
DriverIDRead only. Driver ID of driver that completed route for day.
CommentsUse field to enter comments regarding driver pay for selected route and day.
UpdatedByRead only. Displays the username of the person who last made changes to this row. This will automatically change when the row is updated.
UpdatedWhenRead only. Displays the date/time when changes were last made to this row. This is updated automatically when the row is updated.

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