Driver Surcharge

Driver Surcharge

Driver surcharges for routed work are set up in the Global Options. It can be based on the standard driver route pay or the surcharge amount that the customer is charged which can be changed on a route.

Surcharge Calculations

Quick Tip: The Route % on the human resource record of a driver affects the driver pay amount.

Driver Route Pay

When driver surcharge is based on “Driver Route Pay”, the amount is calculated based on the driver pay set up within Route Planning. This takes into account all of the current surcharge adjustment fields. See Planning - New/Edit Route. This is the default setting in the Operations App.

Customer Surcharge Amount

When driver surcharge is based on “Customer Surcharge Amt” the amount is calculated based on the total surcharge amount for the customer. This will work only when contracts have Billing set to “Stop Rate” or if a stamp rate chart is used when creating route stops manually or importing route stops. Otherwise, the surcharge amount will be $0.00.

When “Customer Surcharge Amt” is the global setting and there are routes with mixed stops where the stops' contracts have different Billing selections, the routes with mixed stops must have the Surcharge based on set to “Driver Route Pay” to avoid a $0.00 surcharge calculation. See Route Level Adjustments below.

Setting Up Driver Surcharge

Global Setting

The driver surcharge percentage amount and what the surcharge is based on are set in the Global Options X route tab.

  1. From the toolbar click on Options. See Global Options.

  2. Go to the X Route tab.

Quick Tip: These settings will apply to the entire route for the driver. All stops on their route will have the surcharge based on the same setting selection.

Route Level Adjustments

From the Route form, you can adjust the driver surcharge amount and select a different surcharge base.

  1. In the main menu on the left go to X Route > Planning.

  2. Select the route you would like to make driver surcharge adjustments to. See Planning - New/Edit Route.


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