Connecting and Syncing QuickBooks Online
Requires QuickBooks Online account. For QuickBooks desktop versions, see Importing Invoicing Information into Quickbooks and Setup Settlements for QuickBooks Export.
Although rare, QuickBooks can sometimes have a delay in their updates of the system.
You can set up a two-way connection with QuickBooks Online instead of manually exporting and importing information. This allows syncing of several records (see Synched Fields below for a detailed list).
When the QuickBooks Online option to automatically generate sales tax within QuickBooks Online is enabled it will add tax to the imported invoices. Therefore if you have taxes setup in the Operations App and the QuickBook Online option enabled, taxes will be added twice to the invoice.
Operations App Item | QuickBooks Item |
Customers Customer Name Local Address Local Address2 Local State Local Zip Local Plus4 Local Phone1 Local Phone2 LocalFax UseLocalAsBilling Billing Address Billing Address2 Billing City Billing State Billing Zip Billing Plus4 Billing Contact Name Billing Phone Billing Fax Billing Status Billing Terms Default Email Address Notes UpdatedBy UpdatedWhen | Sales > Customers Invoices and payments are also displayed here. |
Invoices | Sales > Invoices Payment terms and aging parameters are reflected in the Invoices section for the customer. |
Agents Last Name First Name Address City Zip State NonUSAddress Email1 Phone Fax Mobile UpdatedBy UpdatedWhen | Expenses> Vendors Agents and Human Resources are merged into a QuickBook Vendor record where the display name will have the “A” or “HR” prefix to indicate whether the record is associated with an agent or human resource record in the Operations App.
Human Resources Last Name First Name Address Address2 City State Zip NonUSAddress Email1 Phone Fax Mobile UpdatedBy UpdatedWhen | |
Settlements | Requires Essentials plan or above. Expenses> Expenses Operations App settlements will be exported to QuickBooks as “Bills”. If you open a vendor record, it should also list their bills that are attached to them. |
How to Connect QuickBooks Online
Requires an account with QuickBooks Online and will not work with QuickBooks desktop versions.
Connect to QuickBooks Online in the Global Options.
The following must be done when connected to the Operations App through the Cloud Client. It cannot be set up through any other remote desktop application.
Click Options in the toolbar.
Go to the Accounting tab then click the QuickBooks Online tab.
Check Enable Two-Way Integration.
Log in to QuickBooks Online to authenticate the connection.
Select QuickBook account to sync (if you have multiple accounts).
Syncing Data
If there are spelling differences, duplicates may occur in QuickBooks Online.
Duplicate invoice IDs are allowed.
Invoices created from individual orders will display a "D" prefix before the invoice ID.
Invoices created through standard batching will not display any prefix before the invoice ID.
Syncing data will not remove any existing items in QuickBooks Online. While syncing is done automatically, you can also manually sync data in the Operations App with QuickBooks Online.
There is a 1-hour delay from the time an invoice batch or settlement batch is created prior to syncing with QuickBooks Online to allow time for corrections to be made if needed.
Any invoice manually exported will not automatically sync with QuickBooks Online.
Manually Sync an Agent, Customer, or Human Resource Record
Click the Export or Import QuickBooks button in the record form.
Manually Sync an Invoice Batch or Invoice
Right-click on the batch or invoice you would like to sync and select Export > Manual Integration Sync w/QuickBooks Online.
Manually Sync a Settlement
Requires Essentials plan or above.
From the Display Settlement action, right-click on the settlement you would like to sync and select Manual Integration Sync w/QuickBooks Online.
Sync History
You can see the sync date, data type, who initiated the sync, and the sync results.
How to View
Click Options in the toolbar.
Go to the Accounting tab then click the QuickBooks Online tab.
Click Sync History.
Accounts Receivable Aging
QuickBooks two-way integration must be enabled.
Customer accounts can automatically be changed to "Past Due" and/or "Credit Hold" when the account is carrying an outstanding balance based on the selected Aging Type.
The customers marked as "Past Due" will receive a warning message that they have an outstanding balance that needs to be addressed, while the "Credit Hold" will not allow the customer to place any further orders until the aging period balance that was marked for credit hold is paid. These warnings are displayed in the Operations App and Client Portal.
The Start Past Due Warning and Start Credit Hold Enforcement options are based on the selected Aging Type day and aging enforcement will work alongside Credit Limit enforcements. The limit first reached will trigger its enforcement, then if a secondary limit is reached, the secondary enforcement setting will be applied.
Where to Set Up
Click Options in the toolbar.
Go to the Accounting tab then click the Accounts Receiveable Aging tab.
Customer Specific Override
You can override the global setting for a customer on the customer record. From the customer record, go to the Invoices tab and click Aging Alert Override.
How to Disconnect QuickBooks Online
Click Options in the toolbar.
Go to the Accounting tab then click the QuickBooks Online tab.
Click the Disconnect from QuickBooks button.
Synced Fields
Operations App Field | QuickBooks Field | Notes |
Name + Customer Number | Display name |
Name | Print on check as |
Invoice due in X days | Billing Terms |
Local address | Shipping address |
If “billing address” is checked:
If “billing address” is not checked:
| Billing address |
If “billing address” is checked:
If “billing address” is not checked:
| |
If “billing address” is checked:
If “billing address” is not checked:
| Phone |
Local address phone 2 | Mobile |
If “billing address” is checked:
If “billing address” is not checked:
| Fax |
Notes | Notes |
Human Resources and Vendors
Operations App Field | QuickBooks Field | Notes |
First + Last + “-HR” + ID | Display name |
First + Last | Print on check as |
First | First name |
Last | Last name |
Email 1 |
| |
Home | Phone |
Mobile 1 | Mobile |
Fax | Fax |
Address | Address |
Class | Category | Synced one-way, into Quickbooks, during the settlement process.
Deduction - Description | ||
| Description | Synced one-way, into Quickbooks, during the settlement process. Hardcoded values.
Agents and Vendors
Operations App Field | QuickBooks Field | Notes |
First + Last + “-A” + ID | Display name |
First + Last | Print on check as |
First | First name |
Last | Last name |
Email 1 |
| |
Business | Phone |
Mobile | Mobile |
Fax | Fax |
Address | Address |
Class | Category | Synced one-way, into Quickbooks, during the settlement process.
Deduction - Description | ||
| Description | Synced one-way, into Quickbooks, during the settlement process. Hardcoded values.
Operations App Field | QuickBooks Field | Notes |
Customer email | Customer email |
Invoice number | Invoice number |
Item description | Line item description |
Item quantity | Line item quantity |
Item amount | Line item amount |
Settlements and Bills
Operations App Field | QuickBook Field | Notes |
Settlement number | Bill number |
Item description | Line item description |
Item quantity | Line item quantity |
Item amount | Line item amount |