Order Status

Order Status

The Order Status form displays status information of an order which includes information such as timestamps for specific tasks, POD, signature, invoice numbers.

To view the order status of an order, from the order form toolbar click on the View Tracking Status icon.  

Alternatively, from the On-Demand Dispatch board, you can right-click on an order and select Edit Status or press Enter on your keyboard.

Order Status Form

Quick Tip

Clicking More Detail to display more details about the order. See Details below.

Field NameDescription
Assigned FleetThe fleet assigned to the order.

Barcode used in shipper integrations. 


The timestamp of when the order was confirmed by the driver.  

Clicking the Confirmed button will either add or remove the time stamp.

At Origin

The timestamp of when the driver arrived at the origin. 

Clicking the At Origin button will either add or remove the time stamp.

Picked Up

The timestamp of when the order was picked up by the driver. 

Clicking the Picked Up button will either add or remove the time stamp.

At Destination

The timestamp of when the driver arrived at the destination. 

Clicking the At Destination button will either add or remove the time stamp.


The timestamp of when the order was delivered by the driver. 

Clicking the Delivered button will either add or remove the time stamp.


The timestamp of when the order was verified by an X Dispatch user. You will need to verify orders if "Require verification before invoicing" is checked on the Accounting tab of a customer record or on the General tab of the order type

Clicking the Verified button will either add or remove the time stamp.

PODThe name of the person that acknowledged the proof of delivery on the order. This field is populated from the Signee field in Nextstop when the driver completing the delivery. 
POD CommentsComments related to the POD on the order. This field is populated from the Comments field in Nextstop when the driver is completing the delivery. 


Click on the signature icon to display the signature for the POD.

If the order does not contain a signature, the signature icon will be grayed out.


Click More Detail to expand the Order Status form and display more details about the order.

Field NameDescription
Received At Dock

The timestamp of when the order was received at the dock. 

You must have the Enable & Track "Received At Dock" option enabled in the Global Options Dispatch tab.

Clicking the Received At Dock button will either add or remove the time stamp. 

OrderedThe timestamp of when the order was placed. For recurring orders, this will be the time that the order posted on the Dispatch Board. 
ChangedThe timestamp of when the order was last modified.
DispatchedThe timestamp of when the order was dispatched to a driver from either the On-Demand Dispatch Board or order form. 
TransmittedThe timestamp of when the order was transmitted to X Mobile. 
At DepotThe timestamp of when the order was received at the depot.
RejectedThe timestamp of when the order was rejected by the driver.
InvoicedThe timestamp of when the order was invoiced.
Invoice NumberThe number of the invoice that the order belongs to.
Invoice BatchThe number of the invoice batch that includes the invoice that the order belongs to.
PaidThe timestamp of when the invoice that includes the order was marked as "Paid".
Paid DocumentThe comment entered when an invoice is marked as "Paid".

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