

This page is for the Operations App. For the Classic Operations App please see Images (Classic Operations App).

Images are used in several places throughout the Operations App, and the web services. For example company logos, shipping labels, invoice formats, etc. 

Quick Tip: If you are having trouble uploading an image because of the size, see How to Configure Image Settings for more information. 

To get to the Images section, go to Maintenance > Images.

How to Create a New Image

  1. Go to Maintenance > Images.

  2. Click the + button in the top right.

How to Edit an Image

  1. Go to Maintenance > Images.

  2. Click the image you would like to edit or click the action menu at the end of the row and select Edit

Quick Tip: You can open 2 edit forms by selecting the checkboxes of the images and clicking the edit pencil icon in the top right.

How to Delete an Image

Images that are used in the Operations App cannot be deleted.

  1. Go to Maintenance > Images

  2. Check the checkbox of the image(s) you would like to delete. 

  3. Click the delete button in the top right.

How to Download an Image

  1. Go to Maintenance > Images

  2. Click the image you would like to download. 

  3. Click the menu in the bottom left and select Download.


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