How To Setup X Tracking in IIS6X

How To Setup X Tracking in IIS6X

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open IIS Manager by clicking: "Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager." Expand "Web Sites" node. Right click "X Internet" site.  Select "New -> Virtual Directory."
  2. The "Virtual Directory Creation Wizard" displays.  Enter "XInternet" into "Alias" and press "Next."
  3. Enter "C:\Program Files\Connexion\XInternet" as path to XInternet folder and press "Next."
  4. On "Virtual Directory Access Permission" window, select "Read" and "Run scripts (such as ASP)." checkboxes and press "Next."
  5. Right Click new "XInternet" virtual directory and select "Properties."
  6. Select "Virtual Directory" tab and verify "XInternet" virtual application is running under ".Net 2.0" Application Pool.
  7. While in "Virtual Directory" tab, verify "Execute permissions" is set to “Scripts Only."

  8. Select "ASP.NET" tab. Verify "ASP.NET 2.0" is set to "2.0.50727."
  9. Click "Edit Configuration" button.. On "General" tab set the AspAddress value under Application settings to the URL location of the ASP site - / is fine if the Virtual Directory is created under the ASP web site and the ASP web site is the default web site in IIS.  Press "OK."
  10. Add Silverlight MIME types to server by right clicking on "Local Computer" and selecting "Properties."
  11. Click "MIME Types" button.
  12. Click "New."
  13. In "MIME Type" window enter the three MIME types described below.

    • Extension: .xap
      MIME Type: application/x-silverlight-app
    • Extension: .xaml
      MIME Type: application/xaml+xml
    • Extension: .xbap
      MIME Type: application/x-ms-xbap

Accessing X Tracking

  1. Once X Internet is configured, access X Tracking via URL, default is:
  2. Update X Tracking URL in "Options -> Company Tab" of  X Dispatch.

The URL domain / server of the X Tracking URL may differ based on network setup, but path should still be the same. Replace with URL domain / server data