Adding Pictures to Human Resources

Adding Pictures to Human Resources

To add a photo to a human resource, browse to 'Maintenance->Human Resources' in X Dispatch (you may have to use the down arrow to see the Human Resources icon in the Maintenance list.

Next, locate the HR record you would like to add the photo to and double-click on it.  Once the Human Resource is open, you can add a photo by clicking in the photo box:

Upon clicking, an 'Open' dialogue box will be displayed:

Browse to the directory where the photo is saved, and either double-click it or highlight and click the 'Open' button.  Note:  there is a warning that will prompt you if the picture size is larger than 100 Kb.  There are no limitations on the size of the photo, but please note that this picture will be added to your database and thus increase the size of the database by the size of the picture file.

You can select 'Yes' or 'No', but please remember that attaching large files will increase the size of your database. Saving large files can give you out of memory errors when trying to view the Human Resource that has the large picture attached.  You can reduce the size of the picture by changing the quality settings on your digital camera or by editing the photo with photo-editing software.