Setting Up Customized Critical Dates

Setting Up Customized Critical Dates

Customized critical dates require X Dispatch 19.1 or newer.

Critical dates are important dates set up on human resource records that an X Dispatch user can be notified about. There are some predefined dates in the human resource records and customized dates can be created in the Global Options for use in the human resource record. 

Quick Tip

You can use one of the following advanced finds reports, CXT - Human Resources W/Expired Critical Dates or CXT - Drivers With Expired Dates, to see drivers that have expiring critical dates and expiring standard dates. See Advanced Find Service for the Classic Operations App or Find Query for the Operations App. 


Set up how to enforce critical dates in Global Options.

  1. Click Options  in the toolbar.
  2. Go to the Dispatch tab.
  3. Under Enforce critical dates select how you would like to handle critical dates.

Set up custom dates in Global Options.

  1. Click Options  in the toolbar.
  2. Go to the HR tab.
  3. Under User Definable Date Fields, enter the Description of the custom date. 

    Quick Tip

    To delete a custom date click the Description then select the row by clicking in the gray box in the first column and press the Delete key. 

Set up critical dates in a human resource record.

  1. Go to MaintenanceHuman Resource.
  2. Add or select edit a human resource record. See Human Resources - New / Edit Human Resource.
  3. Go to the Dates tab. 

    Quick Tip

    Standard dates are in the top section and custom dates can be selected and added in the bottom section, User Defined Dates.