Activate Driver

Activate Driver

You can activate a driver from the On-Demand Dispatch or Route Dispatch boards. Activating a driver checks the driver in so that orders and routes can be dispatched to the driver.

How to Activate a Driver 

  1. Go to On DemandOn-Demand Dispatch or X RouteRoute Dispatch.

  2. Right-click on the Active Drivers grid and select Activate Driver.

From the Inactive Drivers Report

Double-click on the driver you would like to activate. The Driver ID and Starting Zip will be auto-populated. See Inactive Drivers.

Quick Tip: Select multiple drivers in the Inactive Drivers report to activate multiple drivers. The Active Driver form will not pop up when activating multiple drivers.

Activate Driver Form

Field Name


Field Name


Driver ID

Selected driver. 

Quick Tip: When selecting a driver, all drivers will be listed in the drop-down, including drivers already checked in. 

Starting Zip

The driver's Home Zip. This is auto populated when a driver is selected. See Drivers or Drivers (Classic Operations App).


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