Inactive Drivers

Inactive Drivers

The Inactive Drivers report enables you to view the drivers in the system that are currently inactive on the dispatch board. It provides summary information for a single driver on each row along with column headers to delineate the data in each field.

There are two ways to navigate to the Inactive Drivers report.

From the Report Menu

In the top menu, go to the Report and select Inactive Drivers.

From the Dispatch Board

  1. Go to On Demand > Dispatch or X Route > Dispatch.

  2. Right-click on the Driver Grid portion of the dispatch board and select Inactive Drivers.

Inactive Drivers

Column Name


Column Name



The driver ID of the driver.


The full name, First Name and Last Name, on the driver’s human resource record. See Human Resources or Human Resources - New / Edit Human Resource.


The Nickname on the human resource record associated with the driver.


The Description of the Vehicle on the driver record.


The Fleet to which the driver is currently assigned.


The Phone number value from the "Human Resource" associated with the driver.


The Pager number value from the human resource associated with the driver.


The Mobile Phone number value from the human resource associated with the driver.

Activate Drivers

You can activate drivers from the Inactive Drivers report. See Activate Driver.

How to Activate a Single Driver

Double-click on the driver you would like to activate. The Active Driver form will pop where the Driver ID and Starting Zip will be auto-populated.

How to Activate Multiple Drivers

Select multiple drivers in the Inactive Drivers report to activate multiple drivers and click the Activate All Selected Drivers button.


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