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Comment: Updated Contracts link.

Table of Contents


Field NameDescription
Scan Barcode

The PKID of the posted route stop, an associated stamp, or an on demand order ID.

titleQuick Tip

When creating a new route stop use one of the following methods to populate this field:

  • To associate the route stop with a customer type the letter C and customer ID. See Customers - New/Edit Customer for more information on customers.

  • To create a route stop based on an on demand order type the letter D and the on demand order ID. See Orders for more information on on demand orders.

  • To assign a stamp to the route stop type the letter S and the stamp ID. See X Route - Stamps for more information on stamps.

View Audit Trail...

Opens the audit trail allowing you to view all the changes made to the stop form.


For X Dispatch 19.2 or older. For newer versions see Top Toolbar above.

View Scan History...

Generates and displays a scan history report for this stop it in the default web browser. 


For X Dispatch 19.2 or older. For newer versions see Notes/remarks/action button below.

Driver ID

 The ID of the driver assigned to the route.  This field is read-only.  

titleQuick Tip

Click the on the field name, "Driver ID", to open the "Edit Driver" form for the assigned driver. See Drivers - New / Edit Driver


Date the stop was posted on or assigned if creating a new stop. 


In X Dispatch 19.0 or newer, this field is editable for both route stops and contract stops. For older versions, this field is editable only for route stops and not for contract stops. 

If contracts for the original post date or the changed date are unposted, the posted contract stop will unpost. 

Contract ID / Stop ID

Contract ID and Contract Stop ID of the Contract Stop from which the route stop was posted.  This field is read-only. Both will read "None" if the stop was manually added/created from an on demand order, or imported.  

titleQuick Tip

Click the on the field name, "Contract ID" or "Stop ID", to view/edit the "Edit Contract" or "Edit Contract Stop" form. See X Route - Contract Maintenance Contracts Contract Stops - New / Edit Contract Stops

Route ID

The ID of the route that the stop is currently assigned. Use the drop-down box to select a different route.

titleQuick Tip

Click the on the field name, "Route ID", to view/edit the "Edit Route" form for the selected route. See Planning - New/Edit Route

ActiveMark the stop as active or inactive. Inactive stops will post as inactive.  
Parent Stop

Mark the stop as a parent stop for other stops. If this checkbox is checked, this stop will show up in the "Parent Stop" drop-down for other stops on this route. 

This parent/child relationship can be used for activating or deactivating posted routes on the dispatch board.  If the parent is marked as inactive, any children will also be marked inactive - and visa versa, if the parent is marked as active, all of the associated children stops will be activated. 


Time and date the driver arrived at the stop. 

titleQuick Tip

Click on the field name, "Arrived", to insert the current date and time into this field.


Time and date the stop was completed. 

titleQuick Tip

Click on the field name, "Completed", to insert the current date and time into this field and set the "Completed By" field to "CSR Manual Completion". 


POD information for the stop, if available. If a signature was captured, the  button will be active, and clicking it will display the signature in a new window.

POD Comments


Requires X Dispatch 20.0 or newer.

POD comments for the stop.

Completed By

The person who completed the stop, or "CSR Manual Completion" if the stop was completed by clicking  from the above field.  


If you run custom reports based upon any "Route Stop Completion Type", these reports need to be updated to include a new completion type: "X Internet Driver Completion" (introduced in X Dispatch 16.2.0).  Please contact Customer Service  to request assistance.   

Parent Stop (Pull-Down)

Select a stop from the list of stops on the route marked as "Parent Stops" to mark this stop as a child of the selected stop.
Force Location Scan


Requires X Dispatch 18.0.

  • None
  • Upon Arrival: Requires an arrival scan, where the driver, in Nextstop, has to scan a location barcode that matches the Route Stop Secondary Lookup.
  • Upon Departure: Requires a departure scan, where the driver, in Nextstop, has to scan a barcode that matches the Route Stop Secondary Lookup.
  • Both: Requires both an arrival and departure scan.

See Force Location Scan in Nextstop 3.


Field NamesDescription
User Field 1Available fields for additional data to capture on route stops. These field names can be customized on the customer record in the "General" tab under "Route Stop User Field Captions". See Customers - New/Edit Customer.

User Field 2
User Field 3
User Field 4
User Field 5
User Field 6

Times Tab

This tab contains the min, max, and preferred time for a stop.


Field NameDescription
Override Time Windows

Overrides the global Options > X Route "Stop Time Settings". See Global Options.

MinThe earliest time the stop should be completed.
PreferredPreferred time for the stop to be completed.
MaxLatest time the stop should be completed.

Parcels Tab

This tab contains data about parcels for the route stop. 


Field NameDescription

Driver Notes


"Notes" in X Dispatch 20.0 or older.

General notes about the route stop.

Displayed in Nextstop on the Stop Info screen and in X Internet it is displayed under Short Remarks column with the Current Day's Short Remarks in Route Tracking. If the stop is consolidated in Nextstop, only the Remarks of the first consolidated will be displayed.

titleQuick Tip

Entering a URL in this field will display as a clickable link in Nextstop 3.1.1 or newer.

Current Day's Short Remarks

Short remarks if the order is a scheduled stop. 

Displayed in Nextstop on the Stop Info screen and in X Internet under Short Remarks column in Route Tracking. If the stop is consolidated in Nextstop, only the Remarks of the first consolidated will be displayed.

titleQuick Tip

Entering a URL in this field will display as a clickable link in Nextstop 3.1.1 or newer.

Current Day's Long Remarks

Long remarks if the order is a scheduled stop.

Displayed in Nextstop on the Stop Info screen. If the stop is consolidated in Nextstop, only the Remarks of the first consolidated will be displayed.

titleQuick Tip

Entering a URL in this field will display as a clickable link in Nextstop 3.1.1 or newer.

Email/SMS Text Alerts


"Email/Fax Alerts" in X Dispatch 20.0 or older.

The email address and/or phone numbers to automatically receive status update notifications for your this route stop. You can enter multiple email addresses and/or phone numbers by separating them with a semicolon ";".


Requires X Dispatch 20.0 or newer.

Label(s) to be used for reporting purposes. See Labels.

Booked AmountTotal from rates section.
Audit Trail

Requires X Dispatch 20.0 or newer. For older versions See Basic Information above.

Opens the audit trail allowing you to view all the changes made to the stop form.


Display the Parcels form for contract stop parcels. 


The Parcels button is only displayed if enabled by CXT Software through custom work.

Distribution ParcelsDisplay the Parcel Manifest. See Parcel Manifest
DeleteDeletes the route stop and closes the window.
Save and NewSaves changes made to the route stop and opens a new form to create a new route stop.
Save and CloseSaves changes made to the route stop and closes the window.
CancelDiscards any changes made and closes the window.
