Email Driver Settlements

Email Driver Settlements

Driver settlements can be emailed to drivers that have an email address on their human resource record. Driver settlements are attached to the emails in an HTM file format.

Mail Manager must be set up to send emails.

Setting Up Human Resource Record for Driver Settlements

  1. Go to Maintenance > Human Resources and select the human resource record associated with the driver you would like to email a driver settlement to.

  2. Enter an email address in the Email 1 field of the General tab.

  3. Go to the Settlements tab and select the message format for the email to be sent.

  4. Click Save in the human resource toolbar.

Customizing the Driver Settlement Email

  1. Go to Maintenance > Message Formats.

  2. Select the message format associated with the human resource settlement you would like to edit.

See Message Formats for more information.

How to Email Driver Settlements

  1. Create a settlement if it hasn’t been created yet.

  2. From the main menu in X Dispatch go to Action > Settlements > Display Settlements.

  3. Right-click on the settlement batch you would like to email and select Email Driver Settlements.