Current Tasks - Active Tasks

Current Tasks - Active Tasks

Field NameDescription
Task NameThe name of the active task.
Due DateThe due date for the active task.  Note:  The due date for overdue tasks are highlighted in red.
Assigned ToThe user the active task is assigned to.
Task Type DescriptionThe description of where the task is assinged to. In the example above, the tasks were created from the Tasks tab in the Customer file.
Action IDThe ID related to the Task Type Description.  In the example above, the Action ID represents the Customer ID.
DescriptionThe description of the Action ID of the task.  In the example above, the Description represents the Customer Name.
Created ByThe user that created the active task.
Created WhenThe date and time that the active task was created.



CloseClick to close the Active Tasks form.

Add New TaskClick to open the New Task form in order to create a new active task.

Edit TaskClick to open the Edit Task form in order to edit the selected task.

Open ParentClick to open the location of where the selected task is linked to.

DeleteClick to delete the selected task.

RefreshClick to refresh the list of Active Tasks.