Database Backups - Configuration

Database Backups - Configuration

This form is only available for on-premise customers. If you are a Cloud customer, we manage all database backups for you.

The "Database Backup Configuration Form" is available from the "Tools Menu" at the top of "X Dispatch".

  1. Navigate to Tools.
  2. Select Database Backups.
  3. Click Configuration.

The "Database Backup Configuration Form" enables you to configure the database backup parameters for you X Dispatch SQL Database. You can change file names and paths as well as the time and frequency of backup jobs. You can configure daily backups as well as a more frequent differential backup. 


The following fields are presented in columns for each "Driver".

Column NameDescription
SundayThe "File Path" where the "Daily Backup" for Sunday will be created and stored. Leave blank to not run a "Daily Backup"on Sunday.
MondayThe "File Path" where the "Daily Backup" for Monday will be created and stored. Leave blank to not run a "Daily Backup"on Monday.
TuesdayThe "File Path" where the "Daily Backup" for Tuesday will be created and stored. Leave blank to not run a "Daily Backup" on Tuesday.
WednesdayThe "File Path" where the "Daily Backup" for Wednesday will be created and stored. Leave blank to not run a "Daily Backup" on Wednesday.
ThursdayThe "File Path" where the "Daily Backup" for Thursday will be created and stored. Leave blank to not run a "Daily Backup" on Thursday.
FridayThe "File Path" where the "Daily Backup" for Friday will be created and stored. Leave blank to not run a "Daily Backup"on Friday.
SaturdayThe "File Path" where the "Daily Backup" for Saturday will be created and stored. Leave blank to not run a "Daily Backup" on Saturday.
DifferentialThe "File Path" where the frequent "Differential Backup" will be created and stored. Leave blank to not run a "Differential Backup".
Main Backup TimeThis is the time of day at which any once-daily backups would be performed. It is recommended to run the full backup during non-peak times to prevent it from slowing down normal database operations. Note that the time is specified in 24 hours format. Enter 00:00 for 12am. The default value is 00:00.
Differential IntervalThe number of minutes in between differential backup runs. Enter 00 for 60 minutes. The default value is 15 minutes.

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