Database Backups - History

Database Backups - History

This form is only available for on-premise customers. If you are a Cloud customer, we manage all database backups for you.

The "Database Backup History Form" is available from the "Tools Menu" at the top of "X Dispatch".

  1. Navigate to Tools.
  2. Select Database Backups.
  3. Click History.

The "Database Backup History Form" enables you to view the history of SQL Database Backups on your X Dispatch Database Server. This can be useful if you want to verify that Backup Jobs have been running on their designated schedule. This can also be used to determine that last recent backup made in case of a need to restore the cxtData database. The backup history is divided into two sections, Full Backup History and Differential Backup History.



Max Records To ShowThis determines the maximum number of entries that will be displayed in this form. It affects both the Full Backup and Differential backup portions of the form. Increase or decrease this value to suit your needs. The default value is 10.

Last Full BackupDisplays the date and time of the last successfully completed Full Backup operation.

Last Differential BackupDisplays the date and time of the last successfully completed Differential Backup operation.

Full Backup History


Column NameDescription
DateThis is the date and time that the last successful Full Backup operation was completed by the X Dispatch Database Server.
ErrThis displays the error number of any error encountered during the Full Backup process. The Err value is always 0 if the backup is successful.
DescriptionThis is the description of the result of the Full Backup operation. If the operation complete with no errors, it will state "Database Backup Successful". Otherwise, it will describe the error that was encountered during the backup process.

Differential Backup History


Column NameDescription
DateThis is the date and time that the last successful Differential Backup operation was completed by the X Dispatch Database Server.
ErrThis displays the error number of any error encountered during the Differential Backup process. The Err value is always 0 if the backup is successful.
DescriptionThis is the description of the result of the Differential Backup operation. If the operation complete with no errors, it will state "Database Backup Successful". Otherwise, it will describe the error that was encountered during the backup process.