Current Tasks - Active Tasks - Edit Task

Current Tasks - Active Tasks - Edit Task

Field NameDescription
Task NameEnter a name for the task.
DueSelect the Due Date of the task.  You can access a calendar by using the drop down menu.
Task CommentsEnter any comments that are related to the task.
Assigned ToSelect the user the task will be assigned to.  You can used the drop down menu to select a user.
ReminderUse the drop down menu to select a time when X Dispatch should display a reminder alerting the user that the task is almost due.
Mark As CompletedClick to mark the task completed using the current date and time.
Completed CommentsEnter any comments that are related to the completion of the task.
Open ParentClick to open the location of where the task was created.
OKClick to save your Task and close the form.
CancelClick to close the Edit Task  form and cancel any changes made to the Task.
ApplyClick to apply the changes made to the Task.