Dashboard Widgets

Dashboard widgets allow you quick access to pages in the Operations App and can provide a quick visual representation of information such as customers and orders. You can create different widgets to display the same result set and highlight different statistic types.

Widgets with the Find Search field display finds based on the user’s “Allowed Query Groups” permission.


Display 2 graphs for labels with a "type of work" label on orders where the first is based on price and the second on pieces.


Quick Tip: We are constantly adding more widgets if you do not see a widget listed below in your Dashboard, consider upgrading to moving to Cloud. Cloud customers, check your Cloud Client messages for upgrade schedule.

Quick Links

Allows you to customize cards with your frequently used pages, so you have quick and easy access to the information you use the most.

Filter Results

Displays a data result-set grid for saved Find filters with custom selected columns.

Quick Tip: The widget provides pagination to help display all results when there are more than 10 results. The Results Quantity can be customized, up to a maximum of 150 results. To view more than 150 results you can click on View Find Filter in the widget.


List of all active orders for a specific customer source for a quick overview of all details for all orders for a group of customers.

Filter Counts

Displays saved Find filter result quantities for data based on custom criteria selections.


List the number of active orders by customer name for a specific customer for a quick overview of the number of orders for a group of customers.

Pie Chart

Displays saved Find filter results within a pie chart based on your selected Statistic Type criteria.


Display all of the orders vs the delivery city to see where to focus on driver saturation.

Column Chart

Displays saved Find filter results within a column chart based on your selected statistic type criteria.


Display a graph for labels with a "type of work" label on orders.


Dispatch Monitor

Displays a visual representation of your Pickup/Deliveries and their status.


Display on-time, almost late, and late status for either on demand or routed work.


Widget Use Examples

On Time Status

Using the Column Chart widget, the “On Time Status Del” Statistic Type, and a Basic Find for all active orders for the current day you can display a graph that shows a count of all completed almost late, late, on-time, and uncompleted late orders for the day.

Parcel Scan Status

You can display a visual of any scanned/unscanned parcels for the selected query using the Filter Results widget and a Find for route stops. The example below displays the route details as well as a count of scanned/unscanned expected parcels as well as the scan percentage for that work. This is a great way to keep track of that work.