How to Use Additional Surcharge Rates for Discounts

How to Use Additional Surcharge Rates for Discounts

Use additional surcharge charts to create a discount, and have it display on the invoice as a line item on the order. This is an alternative to reducing the base rate. 

Requires X Dispatch 18.0 or newer.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to Maintenance > Rate Charts.
  2. Click on Surchages.
  3. Add a new surcharge, click the down arrow next to "New" then "Rate Chart Menu" > "Surcharge Rate Chart", or find and double-click on the surcharge rate chart you would like to apply the discount to. See Surcharge Rate Charts - New / Edit Surcharge Rate Chart.
  4. Create an item called "Discount" on the items table. See Items.
  5. Click Add New button to add a new item. See Surcharge Rate Charts - New / Edit Surcharge Item.
  6. Select "Discount" in the "Item" field.

  7. Enter a negative amount for the "Rate". This can be either a percentage or fixed amount. 

    If your discount is a percentage, set your "Min" to a large negative number.