X Dispatch Order Form Quick Jumps

X Dispatch Order Form Quick Jumps

Quick Jump To Rate Chart Form

There are a few quick jump options that can be found on an On Demand order form.  This will allow you to quickly jump from the On Demand order form to another form in X Dispatch.  The first quick jump we will talk about will allow you to jump to the rate chart used for the On Demand order.

Using this quick jump, you will be able to open the corresponding Base, Item, or Surcharge chart that is used to rate the order.  This will help you to quickly troubleshoot On Demand order rating issues. 

Click View -> Rate Chart Forms -> Then select the rate chart you want to quick jump to.

Quick Jump To Order Type Form

Jumping from the On Demand order form to the Order type form being used for the order will quickly allow you to view the order type settings.  This will allow you to trouble shoot various issues that deepened on the configuration of the Order type in Maintenance -> Order types.  Issues such as incorrect time windows, incorrect fleet assignment, as well as other issues.  Below is a screen shot of where you can find the Order Type From quick jump option.

Click on the menu option View -> Order type form, and this will jump you to the order type form used for the On Demand order.

Quick Jump To The Customer From

From the Order for you can make a quick jump to the customer form.  This will allow you to view the customer assigned to the On Demand order without having to navigate away from an On Demand order your viewing. 

From the On Demand Order form click the Cust ID button above the field where you enter the customer ID.  This will open the Customer form.

Quick Jump To The Contact Form

Sometimes you will need to update a customer contact when taking an order.  

You can quickly jump to the contact form by clicking on the contact button on the On Demand order form..  This is the button located just above the contact field from the order form.

Once you click the contact button you will see the contact form open.  You will be able to update the contact information, and save it without having to open the customer form and make the updates there.

Quick Jump To Driver Form

You can quick jump to the Driver form from an On Demand order.  This will allow you to view the Driver form, and quickly make sure that the settings on the driver form are correct.

To quick jump to the driver on an order simply click on the Drivers Tab on the order.  Then scroll left till you see the Edit field.  Click on the gray box associated with the driver, and this will quickly open the driver form from Maintenance -> Drivers.