Unconfirmed Stops

Unconfirmed Stops

The Unconfirmed Stops screen displays all of your unconfirmed, un-rejected stops.

Quick Tips

  • You will get a notification when you have new unconfirmed stops and will be redirected to the Unconfirmed Stops page. 

  • The number of unconfirmed stops will display in the menu next to Unconfirmed Stops.

How to Confirm Stops

Confirm Individual Stops

  1. Tap the menu on the top right.

  2. Select Unconfirmed Stops or Stops List.

  3. Select the stop you would like to confirm.

  4. Tap Confirm Stop on the bottom right.


  1. Tap the menu on the top right.

  2. Select Unconfirmed Stops or Stops List.

  3. Swipe left the stop you would like to confirm. 

  4. Tap the Confirm.

Confirm All Stops

  1. Tap the menu on the top right.

  2. Select Unconfirmed Stops.

  3. Tap Confirm All on the bottom right.

How to Reject Stops 

This option may not be available due to your user's permission setup.

Reject Individual Stops

  1. Tap the menu on the top right.

  2. Select Unconfirmed Stops or Stops List.

  3. Select the stop you would like to confirm.

  4. Tap the action menu on the bottom right.

  5. Select Reject Stop on the bottom right.

  6. Optional. Enter a rejection comment. This step requires Driver App 3.2 or newer.

  7. Tap Yes.


  1. Tap the menu on the top right.

  2. Select Unconfirmed Stops or Stops List.

  3. Swipe left the stop you would like to reject. 

  4. Tap Reject.

  5. Optional. Enter a rejection comment. This step requires Driver App 3.2 or newer.

  6. Tap Yes.

Reject All Stops

  1. Tap the menu on the top right.

  2. Select Unconfirmed Stops.

  3. Tap the action menu on the bottom right.

  4. Select Reject All

  5. Optional. Enter a rejection comment. This step requires Driver App 3.2 or newer.

  6. Tap Yes.


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