

Tap Receiving in the menu to view the Facilities page. The Facilities Near You screen will display facilities, or depots when you are withina 2 mile GPS range of the address of a facility, or depot, while the Other Facilities list displays depots further away. Facility, or depot, must be active to display in the list.

How to Open a Receive Stop

  1. Tap Receiving in the menu on the top left.

  2. Tap the name of the facility, or depot, that represents the correct location/address.

  3. Tap on the receive stop you would like to open.

How to Scan at a Receive Stop

For master barcodes, see How to Create a Master Barcode.

  1. Open the receive stop.

  2. Begin scanning by using a Bluetooth scanner, clicking Camera to scan using your camera, or click Manual to manually enter a parcel.

More than one person can scan parcels at a receive stop. You can view the number of parcels Synced (all parcels scanned) and the number of parcels that you have Scanned.

Do not mark a receive stop as Done until all parcels have been scanned.

How to Batch Scan at a Receive Stop

Requires Nextstop 3.1 or newer.

  1. Open the receive stop.

  2. Scan an expected parcel.

  3. Tap the green options menu icon in the bottom right.

  4. Select Batch Scan.

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