

This screen may not be accessible due to your user’s permission setup.


The Accessorials screen displays accessorial items associated with the stop. Accessorial items are available only for on demand orders.

Add an Accessorial Item

  1. Go to the Stops List.

  2. Select the stop you would like to add the accessorial(s) to.

  3. Tap Accessorial Items.

  4. Tap Add in the bottom right.

  5. Select the Name and enter a Quantity or check a checkbox.

  6. Optional. Enter Comments.

  7. Tap Save on the bottom right.

Edit an Accessorial Item

You cannot edit the name of the accessorial item.

  1. Go to the Stops List.

  2. Select the stop with the accessorial you would like to edit.

  3. Tap Accessorial Items.

  4. Select the accessorial item you would like to edit.

  5. When done, tap Save at the bottom right.

Delete an Accessorial Item

  1. Go to the Stops List.

  2. Select the stop you would like to remove the accessorial(s) from.

  3. Tap Accessorial Items.

  4. Select the accessorial item you would like to delete.

  5. Tap DELETE.

Alternate Steps 

Requires Driver App 3.0.16 or newer.

  1. Go to the Stops List.

  2. Select the stop to remove the accessorial(s) from.

  3. Tap Accessorial Items.

  4. Swipe left on the accessorial item to delete.

  5. Tap Delete.

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