Advanced Find Service

Advanced Find Service

The Advanced Finds Service is a list of downloadable reports and queries created by CXT Software.

To get to the Advanced Finds Service:

  1. Click the Find button in the toolbar. 

  2. Click the "CXT Advanced Find Service" globe icon. 


CXT Software provides many free "Finds" that can be downloaded into your Operations App reporting service.  A "Find" is CXT Software terminology for a query or quick report that is used to extract data from the Operations App.  

Field Name


Field Name



Name of the find.


  • New Version Available - There is a new version of the find

  • Available For Download - A find that is not in your system

  • Up-To-Date - The find is current

To download an advanced find to your system, select the find and click the Download button.  The new query will be listed in the "Unassigned" folder in your Query Definitions window. See How to download more Finds to your system for more information. 

Report Formats

QuickBook exports, driver manifests, or shipping label reports can be found in the Report Formats tab.

Field Name


Field Name



Name of the report format.


  • New Version Available - There is a new version of the report format

  • Available For Download - A report format that is not in your system

  • Up-To-Date - The report format is current

To download a report format to your system, select the report format and click the Download button.  The new report format will be listed under Maintenance > Custom Report Formats. See How to Download More Finds to Your System for more information.  


Entering text in the "Filter by Keyword" field will automatically filter the list of finds and report formats based on the text you entered.

How to Download More Finds to Your System

  1. Click the Find button in the toolbar. 

  2. Click the "CXT Advanced Find Service" icon. 

  3. Select the find or report format by clicking on it. You can view any available descriptions in the box beneath the list when the find or report is highlighted or double-clicked.

  4. Click the Download button.

Quick Tip: Use the "Filter by Keyword" to search for a find or report.

Where to Find Your New Finds / Report Formats


  1. Click the "Queries Definitions" icon.

  2. Click the '+' next to "Unassigned". Downloaded find queries will be located in this "Unassigned" folder.

  3. Click the find, then click the OK button, or double-click the find.

  4. Review the query and click the Exec button to see results.

Report Formats

  1. Go to Maintenance > Custom Report Formats. See Custom Report Formats for more information.

  2. Right click on the report format.

  3. Click Copy. Downloaded templates have a negative ID, but need to be copied to have a useable positive ID.

  4. Enter a positive ID number. 

  5. Click the OK button.

If the downloaded report format is not a shipping label, follow the steps below to display data from a find query in a PDF document.

  1. Click the Find button in the toolbar. 

  2. Select the Find What for your report.

  3. Select and enter the other criteria for your report in the Where section. 

  4. Select the Report Format

  5. Click the Exec button to see results. 

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