Assisted Dispatch (Wise Systems)

Assisted Dispatch (Wise Systems)

Requires X Dispatch 21.0 or newer.

Assisted Dispatch is an additional subscription service that helps you pick the best driver to assign to on demand orders and can optimize the driver’s assigned on demand orders. The top 5 drivers are returned based on the selected Recommendation Priority.

There is a monthly fee of $20 per driver to use the Wise Systems Assisted Dispatch. Please contact technical support for more information or to sign up.

If route optimization is enabled, the driver’s assigned on demand orders can be updated when at least one of the following is updated:

  • Orders assigned/dispatched to driver

  • Orders removed from driver (either by removing the driver, re-dispatching the order, or the order being canceled)

  • Either Pickup/Destination or Origin/Destination address change (different lat/lon for either address should trigger this as well)

  • Change in any of the 4 time windows on an order

  • Change to the weight on an order

  • Change to the driver capacity or vehicle type

How to Set Up Assisted Dispatch

You must have the Route Optimization permission enabled. See Permissions.

  1. Contact Technical Support to obtain credentials.

  2. Go to Tools > Route Optimization.

  3. Next to On Demand RO Service select “Wise” and click the Edit button.

  4. Set up the On Demand RO Service Config and click OK. To optimize a driver's route Allow Assisted Dispatch To Update ETAs And Sequence Numbers must be enabled.

  5. To select or unselect drivers to be considered when using Assisted Dispatch, click the Edit button next to On Demand RO Service and check/uncheck driver then click OK. This can also be set on the RO Services tab of the driver record.

  6. Click OK to save the Global Route Optimization Config settings.

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How to Set Up a Driver Route Optimization Schedule

Assisted dispatch and route optimization consider a driver's schedule before assigning orders or route stops.

If a driver does not have a schedule set assisted dispatch will consider the driver to always be available.

  1. Go to Maintenance > Drivers.

  2. Select the driver you would like to set up a route optimization schedule for.

  3. Click the RO Services tab.

  4. Click the Add new schedule button.

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How to Request Assisted Dispatch On an Order

All active/checked-in drivers are considered, and Assisted Dispatch will use the most recent GPS update, Max Weight, and Capacity for that driver.

The list of recommended drivers may return drivers in fleets you do not have permission for.

  1. From the On-Demand Dispatch board right-click on an order and select Request Assisted Dispatch… To select multiple orders hold Ctrl and click the gray first column of the orders you would like.

  2. In the Assisted Dispatch window, double-click the driver you would like to assign to the order, or click on the driver and click Dispatch.

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On Demand RO Service Config Form

Field Name


Field Name


Route Optimization Service URL

URL for the route optimization service.

  • For Wise: https://api.wisesys.info

Quick Tip: Use the Test button to check that the URL is valid.


Username for the route optimization service.


Password for the route optimization service.


API key for the route optimization service. This is not used for the Wise RO Service.

Route Sequence Priority

Used for CXT Software RO service.

Max Processing Time Per Solution

Maximum time allowed for optimization.

Service Timer Per Pickup

The number of minutes it takes a driver to complete a standard route stop.

Pickup Grace Period

The number of minutes the stop can be late or early to improve optimization results.

Service Time Per Delivery

The number of minutes it takes a driver to complete a standard route stop.

Delivery Grace Period

The number of minutes the stop can be late or early to improve optimization results.

Recommendation Priority

The recommended priority when looking for the best drivers.

  • Default Priority - Drivers will be ordered based on the “Total Time”. If there is a tie, it will then look at the “Number of Delays”, then “ETA”.

  • Total Route Time - Drivers will be ordered based upon their total time for all stops, from the least to the greatest time. This is determined by getting the sum of the total time the driver has spent on the road already and the projected time that the driver will still be on the road if the selected on demand order(s) is added to the driver’s assigned on demand orders.

  • Number of Delays - Drivers will be ordered from fewest delayed stops to most. This is determined by looking at the total number of delayed stops on the driver's assigned on demand orders.

  • ETA - Drivers will be ordered from who has the earliest estimated time of arrival to the latest. The ETA is based on driver location to the selected order(s).

  • Induced Route Time - The order for which Assisted Dispatch is requested is hypothetically added to all drivers, and total estimated time is calculated. Drivers are then ordered based upon their total time for all stops, from the least to the greatest.

  • Induced Number of Delays - The order for which Assisted Dispatch is requested is hypothetically added to all drivers, and total estimated delays are calculated. Drivers are then ordered based upon their total delays for all stops, from the least to the greatest.

Allow Assisted Dispatch To Update ETAs And Sequence Numbers

When enabled, Assisted Dispatch will update the ETAs and driver order sequence.

This must be enabled to optimize a driver’s route.

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Advanced Setup

How to Restrict a Vehicle Classes by Order Types

You can exclude drivers with a specified vehicle class to be considered for specific order types.

  1. Go to Maintenance > Custom Tables.

  2. Under Tables select “CUSTOM_AssistedDispatchDriverRestriction” and click the Load button.

  3. Enter an OrderType and VehicleClass. Repeat for each order type and vehicle class combination as needed.

    • OrderType - ID of the order type.

    • VehicleClass - One of the following

      • Bicycle

      • Bobtail

      • Car

      • Motorcycle

      • Pickup

      • Scooter

      • Van

  4. Click Save in the toolbar when done.

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