Recurrence Schedule

Recurrence Schedule

The Recurrence Schedule is used to schedule recurring orders, contracts, and contract stops

Recurrence Pattern


The Daily recurrence pattern options.

  • Every ___ Days - Post every number of days that are entered. For example, "Every  2  Days" will post every other day beginning with the Range of Recurrence Start date.

  • Every weekday - Post for every Monday through Friday.


The Weekly recurrence pattern options.

  • Recur every ___ week(s) on - Post every number of weeks that is entered. For example, "Recur every  weeks on" will post every other week for the days selected beginning on the Range of Recurrence Start date.

  • Select the days of the week that the weekly recurrence schedule should post.  


The Monthly recurrence pattern options.

  • Days ___ of every ___ month(s) - Post on the days of every number of months that are entered. For example, "Days  1,15,L  of every  month(s)" will post on the first, fifteenth, and last day of the month beginning on the Range of Recurrence Start date. 

  • The ___ ___ of every ___ month(s) - Post on the selected interval every number of months entered. For example, "The  last  Friday  of every  month(s)" will post on the last Friday of every month beginning on the Range of Recurrence Start date.


The Yearly recurrence pattern options.

  • Every ___ ___ - Post every month and day selected. For example, "Every  April   30 " will post every year on April 30.

  • The ___ ___ of ___ - Post on the selected interval. For example, "The  last   Friday  of  April " will post on the last Friday every April. 


Use the calendar to select the specific dates to post on. The selected dates will be displayed in the column on the right.

Range of Recurrence

Field Name


Field Name



The date to start posting. Defaults to the current date.

No end date

If selected, post indefinitely.

End on: ___

If selected, post only through the entered date. The date entered is inclusive.

Holiday Post Schedule

Selected active holiday post schedule.


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