Announcing X Dispatch 18.0


New permission-based Geofencing section in X Dispatch allows users to set a geofence radius in miles for drivers, customers, order types, business units, or globally that can raise an alert to the driver and attach status codes to the order or stop to indicate the status update occurred outside of the geofence. See Geofencing (Classic Operations App) for more information.

Release Notes and Manual

Now accessible from the toolbar.

Status Codes by Customer

Added the ability to limit status codes by customer for X Dispatch users. See Customers - New/Edit Customer.

Edit Invoiced Driver Pay

New permission to edit driver pay on invoiced orders. See Users (Classic Operations App) for more information on how to enable this permission for a user.

Driver Record Permissions

There are now two separate permissions on the driver record to "Allow updates to pieces and weight" by parcel scans or manual update. The default setting for a new driver record is disabled.

Upon upgrade:

  • Both options will be enabled for any existing driver record that has the original "Allow updates to pieces and weight" enabled. 
  • Both options will be disabled for any existing driver record that has the original "Allow updates to pieces and weight" disabled.

See Drivers (Classic Operations App) for more information on driver records.

Mobile Options Sets

Parcel Shortage Alert

Located under Stops Workflow section, this new options set adds a parcel shortage warning before completion of a stop in Nextstop 2.

  • Default setting upon upgrade is disabled.
  • Default permission upon upgrade will be "View & Edit".

Display Duplicate Status Codes

This new mobile option allows or disallows viewing duplicate status codes in Nextstop 2.

Overage Scanning

Enable, Disable, or Warn drivers for overage scanning with this new mobile option. Works with Nextstop 2.4 or newer.

See Mobile Option Sets (Classic Operations App) for more information.



Rapidship has a new and improved framework with simplified mobile ordering and the ability to add the page to mobile device home screens. The features were expanded to include invoicing and reporting sections, an updated route tracking board, universal parcel displays, and new global option functionality.

Other updates

What's New screen will pop up the first time a Rapidship user logs in after a major upgrade.

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