How To Save Files To Your Computer From Cloud

How To Save Files To Your Computer From Cloud

When accessing the Cloud system, users are launching a connection between a local computer and a remote computer in the "cloud" environment.  When using Cloud, you will usually want to save files on your local machine. For example, saving an attachment or file export.

Automatic Cloud Downloads

The cloud client launches with automatic downloads enabled.  

Any downloads, for example exporting results from the Find reporting tool, save automatically to the local computer.

Automatic cloud downloads can be turned off, however this is not recommended by CXT Support.  By clicking the Cloud download: On text in the bottom right corner of the Classic Operations App, a pop-up window prompts users to confirm turning off local file saving.

Manual Cloud Downloads

If automatic downloads are disabled, users will need to navigate out of the cloud file system to ensure files are saved to the local system. 

Quick Tip: Turn automatic cloud downloads on by closing the Classic Operations App and relaunching.  See automatic cloud downloads for more information.

When saving files, users will be presented with the following dialog box.

Step-by-step guide

  1. To navigate out of the cloud file system, and onto your local computer, click the small arrow icons in the file explorer window and select This PC.

  2. Scroll down to locate the Devices and drives section, and locate your local computer.  In the below screenshot, the local computer's name is DESKTOP-7OJ8999.  Do not select the Local Disk (C:) drive, this is the cloud drive not your local drive.

  3. Navigate to the desired location to save the file.  Often, users prefer to save to the desktop.  To do this: select the Users folder > open the appropriate username folder > select the Desktop folder.

  4. Enter a file name and click Save



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