Surcharge Wizard

Surcharge Wizard

The Surcharge Wizard makes it easy to update surcharge items on multiple rate charts at once.

To access the Surcharge Wizard, select Tools > Surcharge Wizard from the top menu.

Using the Surcharge Wizard

  1. Select which items to update and whether or not to copy the Advanced item column data. These items are found in the surcharge rate charts.

  2. Select the order type(s) within the surcharges that need to be updated.

  3. Select the rate chart(s) with the order types to be updated.

  4. Choose the item(s) to be used for calculation. This is what the surcharges take into consideration for charging. Every item selected will charge the rate given based upon that Item for a higher surcharge.

  5. Choose the schedule in which the surcharges are in effect.

  6. Enter the rating and check the Percent box if the Rate amount is a percentage, otherwise, it will be considered a dollar amount.

  7. Click the Next button to view the Surcharge Wizard Summary.


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