

General Tab

Field NameDescription
IDThis is the Agent "Id". This is a unique identifier chosen when creating the agent.  Once the "ID" is saved it cannot be changed.
ClassThis is the Agents "Class", there is a drop down list that allows you to chose from 4 options.(Corporation, limited liability company, Partnership, and Sole Proprietorship)
Last NameThis is the Agents "Last Name".
First NameThis is the Agents '"First Name".
Business NameThis is the Agents "Business Name".
Tax IDThis is the Agents "Tax ID".
AddressThis is the Agents "Address".
Phone Numbers
This is the Agents "Business" phone number.
Phone Numbers
This is the Agents "Fax" Number
Phone Numbers
This is the Agents "Mobile" phone number
Email AddressesThis is the Agents "Email Address"
StatusThis is the Agents "Status".(Active, Inactive, or Terminated)
DatesHere you can set the "Dates" for the Agent. There is a drop down list that you can select to enter dates for. (Contract begin, Contract end, Last Review, and Next Review.)
This is the name of the Agents Insurance company.
This is the Insurance agents name for the Agent.
This is the contact phone number for the Agents Insurance agent.
This is the Agents insurance policy number.
This is the date the Agents insurance expires.

Deductions Tab

Field NameDescription
DescriptionThis is the 'Description' of the deduction item.
AmountThis is the 'Amount' associated to the Deduction item.
PercentThis Check box will show if the amount is a 'Percent' amount or a flat amount for the deduction item.
MinimumThis is the 'Minimum' amount that was set for the deduction item.
MaximumThis is the 'Maximum' amount that was set for the deduction item.
StartDateThis is the 'Start' date for the deduction item.
EndDateThis is the 'End' date for the deduction Item

Adding New Deduction Item

Field NameDescription
DescriptionThis is the description of the deduction item.
The 'Amount' option will Gray out the Minimum and Maximum fields, and will be a flat amount taken from the settlement.
The 'Percent' option will be a percent of the the Human resources pay in the settlement. You will need to enter an amount grater then 0 in the maximum field for this to work correctly.
AmountThis will be the Flat amount for the 'Deduction' if the Type 'Amount' was selected above. The Amount will the percent amount if the Type 'Percent' is selected above.
MinimumThis is the 'minimum' amount the deduction will take out. If you take out a percent of the settlement, and it is not more then the Minimum the the amount entered in this field will be used instead of the percent amount.
MaximumThis is the 'Maximum' amount that will be deducted from the settlement, if the percent amount taken from the settlement is greater then the Maximum amount entered here, the settlement will use the amount entered here.
Start DateThis is the 'Start' date for the Deduction Item to be applied.
End DateThis is the 'End' date for the Deduction Item to be applied.

Editing Deduction items

If you want to delete a deduction item you will need to highlight the Line you want to delete, and then click on the Edit button. If you want to delete a deduction item you will need to height like the Line you want to delete, and then click on the Edit button.

You an also double click on the line you would like to edit, and the Deduction form will come up for you to edit.

Removing Deduction Items

To Remove a Deduction item, click on the line you want to remove. Then click the Remove button in the bottom right corner of the Human Resources form.

Assigned Routes Tab

This is where you will see all the Routes for any of the Drivers that are associated to this Agent.

Field NameDescription
Route IDThis is where you will see the "Route ID's" that are associated to any Drivers that are associated to this Agent.
DescriptionThis is the "Description" of the route.
StartThis is the "Start" time for the route.
EndThis is the "End" time for the route.
Driver IDThis is the "Driver ID" for the route.
NameThis is the Drivers "Name".

Drivers Tab

Field NameDescription
Worker IDThis is the ID number for the Human Resource that is associated to this Agent.
First NameThis is the "First Name" of the Human Resource that is associated to this Agent.
Last NameThis is the "Last Name" of the Human Resource that is associate to this Agent.
AddressThis is the "Address" for the Human Resource that is associated to this Agent.
CityThis is the "City" for the Human Resource that is associated to this Agent.
StateThis is the "State" for the Human Resource that is associated to this Agent.
ZipThis is the "Zip" Code for the Human Resource that is associated to this Agent.
PhoneThis is the "Phone" Number for the Human Resource that is associated to this Agent.

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