Human Resources - New / Edit Human Resource
Human resource records can be used for every individual in your company. Office staff, employee drivers, and independent contractors can have a human resource record.
How to Add a New Human Resource
- Go to Maintenance > Human Resources.
- Click the New button in the toolbar.
Required fields:
- ID
- Class
- Business Unit
When adding a deduction to a new human resource record, you must save the record first.
Alternate Steps
- Click the arrow next to the New button, or press the Alt and N keys.
- Click Human Resources, or press the H key.
Back to top.
How to Edit a Human Resource
- Go to Maintenance > Human Resources.
- Double-click the human resource you would like to edit.
How to Delete a Human Resource
You cannot delete a human resource record if it is attached to a driver.
- Go to Maintenance > Human Resources.
- Double-click the human resource you would like to delete.
- Click the Delete at the top of the form.
Field Name | Description |
ID | Unique numerical ID. |
Badge ID | This ID does not have to be unique. |
Class | The classification of the human resource:
Business Unit | The business unit the human resource is associated with. The default is set to "Global". See Business Units (Classic Operations App). |
Business Name | Used to informationally store a contractor driver's company name or a business name for your employees. Visible if Class selected is "Contract Driver", "Employee Driver", "Exempt Staff", or "Non Exempt Staff". |
Agent | The selected agent from the list of agents. See Agents. Visible if the Class selected is "Agent Contractor". |
Last Name | Last name of the human resource. |
First Name | First name of the human resource. |
Nickname | The name that will show on the dispatch board if the human resource is a driver. |
Tax ID | Tax ID for human resource. |
Date of Birth | For X Dispatch 19.1 or newer. Date of birth for human resource. Check the box to hide the date field. |
Address | Home or business address for human resource. Click the address icon to enter a new address. |
Phone Numbers | Associated phone numbers. Use the down arrow to select the type of phone number. |
Email Addresses | Associated email addresses. Use the down arrow to enter up to 2 email addresses. |
Labels | Label(s) to be used for reporting purposes. See Labels (Classic Operations App). Requires X Dispatch 20.0 or newer. |
Photo | Image of human resource. The image is displayed online if enabled "Driver Photo(s)" is enabled in the Global Options. |
Field Name | Description |
Pay | |
Pay Chart Item Pay Chart Surcharge Pay | Visible if "Enable driver pay charts" is checked in the Global Options. Chart ID for driver pay. Use the down arrow to set pay charts for each of the different chart types. See How to Set Customer/Human Resource Driver override pay chart. |
On Demand % | Pay percentage for on-demand work. |
Route % | Pay percentage for routed work. |
Informational (This section is strictly informational can be generated into reports but is not used to calculate pay) | |
(Pay Style Drop Down) | The selected pay style.
Hourly rate | Hourly rate. |
Reimbursement % | Reimbursement percentage. |
Reimbursement Mile | The amount per mile that the driver is reimbursed. |
Drivers License | |
State | Drivers license information for human resource. For X Dispatch 19.1 or newer, the Expires date is editable in the Dates tab. For X Dispatch 19.0 or older, enter Expires date to be used with Enforce Critical Dates in the Dispatch tab of Global Options. |
Class | |
Number | |
Expires | |
Vehicle | |
Vehicle (Description) | Vehicle information for human resource. |
Vehicle (VIN) | |
Insurance | |
Company | Insurance information for human resource. For X Dispatch 19.1 or newer, the Expires date is editable in the Dates tab. For X Dispatch 19.0 or older, enter Expires date to be used with Enforce Critical Dates in the Dispatch tab of Global Options. |
Agent | |
Phone | |
Expires | |
Immigration | |
Card ID | Immigration card information for human resource. For X Dispatch 19.1 or newer, the Expires date is editable in the Dates tab. For X Dispatch 19.0 or older, enter Expires date to be used with Enforce Critical Dates in the Dispatch tab of Global Options. |
Expires | |
Dates | |
Birth Contract Driving Rec Last Review Next Review Last Work Day DOT Expires | For X Dispatch 19.0 or older Dates for human resource. |
Status | |
Current Status | Human resource's current employment status.
If "Interactive" or "Terminated" is selected, associated driver records will be deactivated. Quick Tip For reporting in any finds using the driverID, the human resource status values are:
Termination date | Visible when Current Status is set to "Terminated". Date of the human resource's termination. |
Eligible for re-hire | Visible when Current Status is set to "Terminated". If checked, the human resource terminated is eligible for rehire. |
Termination reason | Visible when Current Status is set to "Terminated". The reason for the human resource's termination. |
Requires X Dispatch 19.1 or newer.
Standard and user defined dates are entered in the Dates tab. You can select which dates you would like to have set up as a critical date. User Defined Dates are set up in the HR tab of the Global Options. See Setting Up Customized Critical Dates.
Quick Tip
You can use one of the following advanced finds reports, CXT - Human Resources W/Expired Critical Dates or CXT - Drivers With Expired Dates, to see drivers that have expiring critical dates and expiring standard dates. See Advanced Find Service for the Classic Operations App or Find for the Operations App.
Worker and user data is entered in the Misc tab. If the human resource is on the sales staff or receives customer commissions, you can click on the Show Customer Commissions button to display a summary of the commissions. The user data fields are customizable fields that can be renamed in the HR tab of the Global Options.
Deductions for the human resource can be viewed, added, edited and removed in the Deductions tab. Deduction items must be added in the Deduction Items section in order to be added here in the human resource record. See Deduction Items (Classic Operations App).
Inet Account
In the Inet Account tab, you can allow, set up and control access to the driver portal. The Show Columns section allows you to choose fields to display in the Settlements section of the driver portal under their login.
Quick Tip
The Approved checkbox must be checked for the human resource to log into the driver portal of your website.
The Recurring tab displays all assigned recurring orders to the human resource.
Quick Tip
You can double click on the order to open the record.
The Routes tab displays all assigned routes to the human resource.
Quick Tip
You can double click on the route to open the record.
The Attachments tab displays all files attached to the human resource record. To add a new attachment click the insert file icon
in the toolbar or right click and select Insert File or Create Text File. Double click to open the attachment or select the attachment then right click and select Open Attachment. The right click menu also allows you to delete, save the attachment to your computer, and edit the Description.Tasks
Tasks are listed in the Tasks tab. The DueDate of overdue tasks will be highlighted red and completed tasks will be highlighted in green. You can add, edit and delete tasks by clicking on Tasks in the toolbar or right-clicking in the Tasks section.
Quick Tip
When selecting to Edit or Delete a task, make sure to select the task first and it is highlighted in blue.
Tasks are assigned to X Dispatch users and can have reminders set. When the Reminder field is set, the Edit Task form will pop up at the time the reminder is set. for. For example, if Reminder is set to "10 Minutes" and my Due date is set to "06:00 Wed 03/27/19", the Edit Task form will pop up at 5:50am on 03/27/2019.
The task must be completed to dismiss the pop up.
When the Mark as Completed button is clicked, a date field will appear to enter the time and date that the task was completed.
Quick Tip
The Open Parent button will open the human resource record attached to the task.
The Settlements tab is where you select the message format that will be used when emailing the settlement reports to the driver. See Message Formats (Classic Operations App) for more information on how to add or edit message formats.
The Notes tab is where you can directly enter text notes for the human resource record.