Rate Charts

Rate Charts

Rate charts assign dollars/rates to the different levels of service. A rate chart represents how a single level of service, or order type, should rate when used on an order. Charts of rates can include 1 or many different rate charts.

To get to rate charts go to MaintenanceRate Charts.

There are 3 types of charts that can be created, base, items, and surcharges. 

You must have a base rate chart of the same order type when using item and/or surcharge rate charts.

Base Rates

Base rate charts are the foundation rate charts. All orders in X Dispatch require a base rate chart, even if it has a rate value of 0. 

Stamp rate charts are base rate charts that work with route stops only. They are primarily used when your customer has an integration and stops posted by an import file, a dispatcher creates a stop on the fly, or when you need to apply item charges to contract stop.  See Base Rate Charts - New / Edit Stamp Rate Charts.



Item rate charts are used to rate items on an order. 



Surcharge rates can be used to apply items like fuel, after hours, or surge surcharges to orders. You can set up either a percentage or a flat rate in surcharge rate charts. 


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