Base Rate Charts - New / Edit Stamp Rate Charts

Base Rate Charts - New / Edit Stamp Rate Charts

Stamp rate charts are base rate charts that work with route stops only. They are primarily used when your customer has an integration and stops posted by an import file, a dispatcher creates a stop on the fly, or when you need to apply item charges to contract stop. 

There can only be 1 stamp rate chart per base rate chart group.

How to Add a New Stamp Rate Chart

  1. Click the arrow next to the New button, or press the N key.
  2. Click Stamp Rate Chart.

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How to Edit a Stamp Rate Chart

  1. Go to MaintenanceRate Charts.
  2. Double click Base Rates, or click the + next to Base Rates.
  3. Click the "+" next to the chart ID, or double-click chart ID
  4. Double click on the stamp rate you want to edit.

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How to Copy a Stamp Rate Chart

  1. Go to MaintenanceRate Charts.
  2. Double click Base Rates, or click the + next to Base Rates.
  3. Click the "+" next to the chart ID, or double-click chart ID.
  4. Right click on the stamp rate chart you want to copy.
  5. Select Copy Rate Chart...

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How to Delete a Stamp Rate Chart

  1. Go to MaintenanceRate Charts.
  2. Double click Base Rates, or click the + next to Base Rates.
  3. Click the "+" next to the chart ID, or double-click chart ID.
  4. Double click on the stamp rate you want to delete.
  5. Click the Delete button at the bottom right of the form.

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Stamp Rate Chart Form

Field NameDescription
Chart IDUnique numeric ID.
DescriptionDescription, or name, of the rate chart.

Stamp Rate Header

Field NameDescription
Chart Type

Type of stamp rate chart:

Zone Set

Visible when using one of the following chart types: "Zones", "Weight", "Use custom stored procedure" or "Advanced Fall Back Rating".

The rate zone column used for zone rating. See Zones.

Flat Rate

Visible when using the "Flat Rate" chart type.

Single charge amount.

Weight Table

Visible when using the "Weight" chart type.

Proc Name

Visible when using the "Use custom stored procedure" chart type.

Name of custom procedure. See Custom Procedures.

Use Chart

Enabled when using the "Percentage of another chart" chart type.

The chart ID of the other stamp rate chart you would like to use.

Adjusted By [ % ] Percent

Enabled when using the "Percentage of another chart" chart type.

The percentage to adjust the rates of the other chart entered in the Use Chart field.

Round Up To NearestDollar amount to round up to. 
  • NONE
  • $1.00
  • $.50
  • $.25
  • $.10
  • $.05
Rate Individual Parcels

Visible when using the "Weight" chart type.

Rates individual parcel if selected. See How to Rate Individual Parcels.

Minimum rateRequires minimum rate if selected and the minimum rate amount.
Default rateUses a default rate if selected and the default rate amount.
Apply zone minimums if greater than chart minimum

Enabled when using the "Zones", "Percentage od another chart", or "Weight" chart type and Minimum rate is selected.

If selected, uses the zone minimums if they are greater than the minimums entered in the stamp rate chart. See Zones.

Route Surcharge CalculationCharges used when calculating surcharges.
  • Base Charge Only
  • All Charges

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Stamp Rate Details

Field NameDescription
Destination begins with

Enter a zone name to filter the list of zone rates. 

To view the filtered list of zone rates you must click the Get Details button.

Get DetailsClick to load the stamp rate details for zone rates. 
To ZoneThe destination zone that will be used to determine the zone rate.
RateThe rate amount for the zone.

How to Add a Zone Rate

  1. Go to the last empty row next to the * icon.
  2. Enter the name of a destination Zone in the To Zone column.
  3. Enter the amount to be charged in the Rate column.
  4. Click OK or Apply to save.

How to Edit a Zone Rate

  1. Go to the last empty row next to the * icon.
  2. Edit the To Zone and/or Rate.
  3. Click OK or Apply to save.

How to Delete a Zone Rate

  1. Select the row of the zone rate you would like to delete.
  2. Use the delete key on your keyboard.
  3. Click the OK or Apply button to save.

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Field NameDescription
ItemThe item that you would like to have additional charges for. See Items.
RateDollar amount to charge for the item.
PerThe number of items the rate will be applied to.
OverThe number of items before the rate will start to be applied.
Charge For Initial Qty?If selected, the item rate will be applied to all items if the quantity exceeds the over amount.
Max QtyThe maximum item quantity to apply the item rate.
AdvancedClick to configure advanced rates for different item quantity breakpoints. See Item Rate Charts - New / Edit Item Rate Chart.
RoundingDollar amount to round up to.
  • NONE
  • $1.00
  • $.50
  • $.25
  • $.10
  • $.05

How to Add an Item

  1. Go to the last empty row next to the * icon
  2. Enter the values for the new item. 
  3. Click the OK or Apply button to save.

How to Edit an Item

  1. Update the values you would like to edit.
  2. Click the OK or Apply button to save.

How to Delete an Item

  1. Select the row of the item you would like to delete.
  2. Use the delete key on your keyboard.
  3. Click the OK or Apply button to save.

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Advanced Fallback

This tab is enabled when using the "Advanced Fall Back Rating" chart type that is used only wit route stop integration imports. See Stamp Rate Chart Types - Advanced Fallback Rating

Lookup values must be an exact match. For example, 5 is not a match to 005. 

Field NameDescription
Lookup 1

Lookup value to check against the route stop's AFL1 field. See Dispatch - New / Edit Posted Route Stop

Lookup 2Lookup value to check against the route stop's AFL2 field. See Dispatch - New / Edit Posted Route Stop.
TierLevel or order number for the advanced fallback rate.
Base TierMain level or order number for the advanced fallback rate. This is usually a 1 or 0.
Start Count

Lowest number of route stops, with matching Lookup 1 and Lookup 2 combinations, to apply the rate and/or pay to.

End Count

Highest number of route stops, with matching Lookup 1 and Lookup 2 combinations, to apply the rate and/or pay to.

RateDollar amount for the rate.
PayDollar amount for the driver pay.

Fall back to base tier

If enabled, and there is no match for Lookup 1 and Lookup 2, it will check for Lookup 1 where the Tier is less than the Base Tier

 Click here to see example...

A route stop using the Advanced Fallback Rating Stamp Rate Chart above with a route stop where Lookup 1 is "85004" and Lookup 2 is "85018". Since the Fall back to base tier is checked and it could not match both Lookup 1 and Lookup 2, the route stop will rate at $20.

If enabled, and there is a match for Lookup 1 and Lookup 2 it will rate as listed in the Advanced Fallback Rate.

If disabled, and there is a match for Lookup 1 and  Lookup 2 it will rate as listed in the Advanced Fallback Rate.

If disabled, and there is no match for Lookup 1 and Lookup 2, it will rate 0.

Rate By Route

If enabled, only stops on the first stop's route and post date will be rated.

If disabled, stops on any route with the same post date are rated.


You want to rate only the first route stop with Lookup 1 and Lookup 2 set to "85004" at $15 and the following route stops with the same lookups at $0.

If Rate By Route is checked, then it will rate the first stop on each route. The first stop on route 1234 and the first stop on route 5678 would be rated at $15 each.

If Rate By Route is unchecked, then it will rate the first imported route stop regardless of the route ID. So only the first stop imported on route 1234 would be rated $15 and the first stop on route 5678 would rate at $0. 

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