Mobile Users (X Dispatch 21.0 to 17.1)

For X Dispatch 21.0 to 17.1. See here for newer versions.

Mobile Users are displayed once a driver record is created and is associated with a human resource record in X Dispatch. Each new mobile user is automatically assigned to the default mobile option group and the specific settings within that group. See Mobile Option Sets (Classic Operations App).

Mobile users are displayed based on the Status listed in the human resource record of the specific driver. You can select to view  "Active", "Inactive", "Terminated", or "View All".  

Go to Maintenance > Mobile Users

How to Edit a Mobile User

You can edit each mobile user to have their own unique Nextstop settings.

  1. Go to MaintenanceMobile Users.
  2. Click on the mobile user you would like to edit.

You can create a new mobile option set from a mobile user's setting by clicking the Duplicate button at the bottom of the form.