Note Types (Classic Operations App)
Operations App is continuously updating and page layouts may differ. See here for other versions.
Note types are used in the order and route stop forms in the Notes tab.
To manage note types, go to Maintenance > Note Types.
Field Name | Description |
Note Type ID | A unique name that identifies the Note Type. |
Description | A description of the Note Type. |
How to Add a Note Type
- Go to Maintenance > Note Types.
Scroll to the bottom of the list of note types and add the new note type in the empty row.
- Click the save icon in the toolbar.
How to Edit a Note Type
- Go to Maintenance > Note Types.
- Edit the field(s) you would like to edit.
- Click the save icon in the toolbar.
How to Delete a Note Type
- Go to Maintenance > Note Types.
- Select the note type you would like to delete by clicking on the grey box to the left of the Note Type ID column, the row will be highlighted blue.
- Click the delete icon in the toolbar or press the delete button.
- Click the save icon in the toolbar.