Attachments in the Driver App

Attachments in the Driver App

For driver documentation see Attachments.

The Attachments screen displays attachments associated with the stop or parcel. Drivers can also add attachments from this screen using their device.

Set the Maximum Upload File Size

The maximum file upload size is set in the Company tab of the Global Options under Maximum Attachment Size (MB) Allowed. See Global Options.

Viewing Attachments from the Driver App

In the Operations App

Replace green text below with your applicable values.

You must be logged in to view the photo(s). If you are not logged in you will be asked to log in before you can view the attachments.

  • Order form "Attachments" tab. See Orders.

  • Route stop form "Attachments" tab. See Dispatch - New / Edit Posted Route Stop.

  • Message formats: You can add one of the following attachment URLs to your message format. See Message Formats (Classic Operations App) for the Classic Operations App or Message Formats for the Operations App. 

    • Using the Client Portal:

      Replace URL with the Client Portal URL. For Cloud customers, the Client Portal URL is https://CUSTID0.cxtsoftware.net/ where CUSTID is your Customer ID. Cloud customers who do not know their URL can contact technical support.

      • Route stops: URL/#/track-order;trackingId=[PKID]

      • Orders: URL/#/track-order;trackingId=[OrderID]

    • Using X Internet: 

      Replace URL with the Client Portal URL. For Cloud customers, the Client Portal URL is https://CUSTID0.cxtsoftware.net where CUSTID is your Customer ID. Cloud customers who do not know their URL can contact technical support.

      • Route stops: URL/switchaccount.asp?ShowUploadForm=1&ID=[PKID]

      • Orders: URL/switchaccount.asp?ShowUploadForm=0&ID=[OrderID]

In the Client Portal

  • Route Tracking section's route stop details page. See Route Tracking.

Add an Attachment in the Driver App

The option to add attachments from “Gallery” and “Files” can be hidden by the “Force Camera Use During Specific Events” mobile option, when “Photos” is selected. See How to Require a Driver to Use Their Camera During Specific Events in the Driver App.

  • The Description will display on the Attachments screen. Once saved, the Description cannot be edited. If no Description is entered, the date and time of the upload will be displayed instead.

  • The driver may need to grant CXT Driver App access to his/her mobile device if the driver has not done so already.

For Stops

  1. Go to the Stops List.

  2. Select the stop to add the attachment to.

  3. Tap Attachments.

  4. Select how to add the attachment.

    • Camera - Use the device’s camera to take a photo. The maximum resolution for images is 1920x1080.

    • Gallery - Select a photo from the device’s image gallery. The maximum resolution for images is 1920x1080.

    • Files - Select a file from the device. If the file size is too large the Driver App may have trouble syncing with the server.

  5. Select the attachment or take a photo to add.

  6. Optional. Add a Description.

  7. Tap Save on the bottom right.

Quick Tip: Attachments can also be added on the Complete Stop screen.

For Parcels

  1. Go to the Stops List.

  2. Select the stop associated with the parcel to add the attachment to.

  3. Tap Parcels.

  4. Select the parcel to add the attachment to.

  5. Tap Attachments.

  6. Select how to add the attachment.

    • Camera - Use the device’s camera to take a photo. The maximum resolution for images is 1920x1080.

    • Gallery - Select a photo from the device’s image gallery. The maximum resolution for images is 1920x1080.

    • Files - Select a file from the device. If the file size is too large the Driver App may have trouble syncing with the server.

  7. Select the attachment or take a photo to add.

  8. Optional. Add a Description.

  9. Tap Save on the bottom right.

Delete an Attachment in the Driver App

For Stops

  1. Go to the Stops List.

  2. Select the stop that has the attachment to be deleted.

  3. Tap Attachments.

  4. Select the attachment to be deleted.

  5. Tap DELETE.

For Parcels

  1. Go to the Stops List.

  2. Select the stop associated with the parcel that has the attachment to be deleted.

  3. Tap Parcels.

  4. Select the parcel that has the attachment to be deleted.

  5. Tap Attachments.

  6. Select the attachment to be deleted.

  7. Tap DELETE.

Alternate Steps

Requires Driver App 3.0.16 or newer.

For Stops

  1. Go to the Stops List.

  2. Select the stop that has the attachment to be deleted.

  3. Tap Attachments.

  4. Swipe left on the attachment to delete.

  5. Tap Delete.

For Parcels

  1. Go to the Stops List.

  2. Select the stop associated with the parcel that has the attachment to be deleted.

  3. Tap Parcels.

  4. Select the parcel that has the attachment to be deleted.

  5. Tap Attachments.

  6. Swipe left on the attachment to delete.

  7. Tap Delete.


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