Rate Sheets

Rate Sheets

One of the most valuable reports for companies that charge zone-to-zone prices is the Rate Sheets. Rate sheets can be created easily and efficiently using our Rate Sheet Reports. 

The Rate Sheet report can be accessed from the main menu by going to Reports > Rate Sheets. and selecting one of the following

Standard Rate Sheets


Field Name


Field Name


Rate Chart

Numerical ID value for the base rate chart.

Rate Adjustment

Rate Adjustments can be used to print discounted/premium rate sheets.

Round to Nearest

Optional rounding for zone-to-zone prices.

Order Type

Order type to be displayed on the rate sheet.

Origin Zone

Starting zone for rate sheet.


Rate sheet value for the zip code in Zones. By default, this represents the two letter state abbreviation.

HTML Rate Sheets

HTML rate sheets offer more customization when creating the rate sheet reports.