Current Tasks - Active Tasks - Edit Task
Current Tasks - Active Tasks - Edit Task
Field Name | Description |
Task Name | Enter a name for the task. |
Due | Select the Due Date of the task. |
Task Comments | Enter any comments that are related to the task. |
Assigned To | Select the user the task will be assigned to. |
Reminder | Select a time when a reminder alerting the user that the task is almost due should be displayed. |
Mark As Completed | Click to mark the task completed using the current date and time. |
Completed Comments | Enter any comments that are related to the completion of the task. |
Open Parent | Click to open the location of where the task was created. |
OK | Click to save your Task and close the form. |
Cancel | Click to close the Edit Task form and cancel any changes made to the Task. |
Apply | Click to apply the changes made to the Task. |