Customers - New / Edit Customer - Add Contact
Customers - New / Edit Customer - Add Contact
To add a contact to a customer go to the Contacts tab on the customer form , and click on the Add button in the contacts section.
This will allow you to Enter in contact information on the form.
Field Name | Description |
Name | This is where you enter the Contacts name |
Company Name | This is where you enter the Contacts company name |
Address | This is the address for this contact |
Billing Group | Here you can set up a specific contact to use a specified billing group |
Here you enter the contacts Email address | |
Phone | Here you enter the contacts Phone number |
Fax | Here you enter the contacts Fax number |
Default Origin Remarks | Here you can enter origin remarks that will appear on an order when this contact is used on the order |
Default Dest Remarks | Here you can enter Destination remarks that will appear on an order when the contact is used on the order |
Contact Comments | Here you can enter in contact specific comments, or notes |
Override (Check Box) | The override will allow these associated fields to be used when an order is created, this applies to the Address, Billing Group, and Email only |
Edit Customer contact
Once you have created a few customer contacts you can edit them by opening the customer form. Highlight the contact and then click the Edit button.
Remove Customer contact
To remove a contact from the customers contact list. Highlight the contact and click the Remove button.