Nextstop 2 Master Barcode

Nextstop 2 Master Barcode

Master barcode can be used to associate multiple parcel scans with one barcode. This is useful when wrapping pallets, or locking totes. Drivers can scan a master barcode and mark all associated parcels as scanned.


  • Nextstop 2.4 or newer
  • X Dispatch 17.1 or newer
  • Create Master Barcodes permission must be enabled in Mobile Option Sets

How to Create a New Master Barcode

No master barcodes can be associated with the stop.

  1. Go the parcel summary screen. 
  2. Tap Master Barcode. 
  3. Tap 'Create MB via Camera', or 'Create MB Manually'.
  4. Scan barcode or manually enter barcode.
  5. Tap 'Scan' or 'Manual' to add parcel(s).

Example of creating a master barcode manually.

How to Add Existing Parcels to a Master Barcode

This is a similar process to creating a new one, but you would load the list of parcels on the screen, and drivers could then add parcels to the master barcode as needed.

  1. Go the parcel summary screen. 
  2. Tap the Master Barcode. 
  3. Tap 'Scan' or 'Manual' to add parcels.

How to Disassociate Parcels With a Master Barcode

Drivers can remove a parcel from a master barcode by using the standard "unscan" process in the parcel info screen.

Master barcodes cannot be deleted.

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