Using Parcel Lookup

Using Parcel Lookup

Using Parcel Lookup allows you to search for a parcel in the system and view details about it.

Step-by-step guide from the Home screen

  1. From the Work screen, select Parcel Lookup.

  2. If your device has a camera, the camera scanner is displayed.
  3. Center the camera over a barcode and the camera scanner quickly scans the barcode. Use the light or zoom buttons displayed in the camera scanner if you need more detail. 


Step-by-step guide from the pull-out menu

  1. From any screen select the pull-out Menu icon located in the top-left corner of the app. 

  2. Select Parcel Lookup.
  3. If your device has a camera, the camera scanner is displayed.
  4. Center the camera over a barcode and the camera scanner quickly scans the barcode. Use the light or zoom buttons displayed in the camera scanner if you need more detail.

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.