Stops List in the Driver App

Stops List in the Driver App

For driver documentation see Stops List.

In the Driver App, pickup and delivery workflow starts with the Stops List. The Stops List displays each location that has active and complete pickups and/or deliveries.

APP UPDATE: The Driver App will now display stops scheduled for service on the current day (i.e., stops with time windows set for today) if the stop was posted within the past 7 days. If the stop was posted 8 or more days ago, the app will not automatically display these stops, regardless of their scheduled service date. In these cases, drivers will need to manually select the post date of the stop using additional date selection options.

Quick Tips

  • Android users can close the Driver App by using the back button, depending on the device.

  • Users can search stops by Name, Address, BOL, or Tracking ID. Requires Driver App 3.0.16 or newer.

  • In the Driver App 3.4 and 3.5, syncing, or refreshing, can only be done by going to the menu and taping Sync at the bottom.

List View

Tap on a stop to see the Stop Info. See Stops Workflow in the Driver App for more information.

  • The driver will not be able to tap any of the stops to view the Stop Info if the driver has the GPS Required mobile option enabled (see Mobile Option Sets (Classic Operations App) or Mobile Option Sets) and did not enable Location Services on their device.

  • The driver will not be able to tap or reactivate a stop that was deactivated in the Driver App.

Quick Tip: Swiping left allows drivers with permission to Confirm or Reject unconfirmed orders, Deactivate route stops, or Make Next Stop for all orders or stops.

The distance shown in the Driver App represents the distance between the driver’s current location and the stop location. This is a straight line (as-the-crow-flies) calculation, not the driving distance.

Map View

Requires Driver App 3.2 or newer.

Tap on a pin to see basic information on the stop. Tap on the basic information to see the Stop Info. See Stops Workflow in the Driver App for more information.

Quick Tip Hold and pull down on the gray area under the Search box to refresh the map.


Options Menu

The options menu on the bottom right displays options for the Stops List.






Select a filter for the stops displayed on the stops list.

  • None

  • On Demand

  • Specific assigned route(s)

  • Specific BOL name(s)

Filtering by specific BOL name(s) requires Driver App 3.0.16 or newer.

Quick Tip: This can also be set from the Settings screen.

Hide Completed Stop

This option is disabled when the “Hide Complete Stops“ or “Limit Number of Stops” mobile option is enabled.

  • To disable for all or a group of drivers, go to Maintenance > Mobile Option Sets. See Mobile Option Sets (Classic Operations App) for the Classic Operations App or Mobile Option Sets for the Operations App.

  • To disable for specific drivers

    • In the Classic Operations App, go to Maintenance > Mobile Users. See Mobile Users.

    • In the Operations App, go to Maintenance > Drivers then the Mobile Options tab of the driver record. See Drivers.

When enabled, stops marked as “Complete” will not be displayed in the stops list.

When disabled, stops will remain visible for 24 hours in the past when compared against the Delivered date/timestamp as long as the “Deliver To” time on the order is less than 30 days old.

Select Additional Route Date

The selected date for the routed work displayed based on the Min/Mx/Preferred date and time in addition to the Post Date.*

* In the Driver App 3.2 or older this is based only on the Post Date.

Sort by….

Select how stops are sorted in the Stops List. 

  • Itinerary: Stops are sorted by start time unless overridden by the dispatcher sequence. On demand orders display first, then routed. For route stops, dispatch may provide an itinerary based on customer requests, time optimization, etc.  Route stops are displayed grouped by route, then by start time. 

  • Closest to Me: Stops are sequenced from closest to the driver’s current GPS location to farthest, using a straight line distance.

  • Status:  Stops are sequenced by the status of the stop. Stops are sequenced by status in the following order.   

    • Unconfirmed:  Unconfirmed stops are secondarily sorted by end time from the earliest to the latest in descending order, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Arrived:  Arrived stops are secondarily sorted by actual arrival time from most recent arrival to the oldest in descending order.  

    • Late:  Late stops are secondarily sorted by end time beginning with the earliest in ascending order, then by closest to the device location, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Almost Late: Almost late stops are secondarily sorted by the end time in ascending order, then by closest to the device location. 

    • Ready: Ready stops are secondarily sorted by end time beginning with the earliest in ascending order, then by closest to the device location, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Almost Ready:  Almost ready stops are secondarily sorted by beginning time beginning with the earliest in descending order, then by closest to the device location, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Early:  early stops are secondarily sorted by beginning time beginning with the earliest in ascending order, then by closest to the device location, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Not Ready:  not ready stops are secondarily sorted by end time beginning with the earliest in ascending order, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Complete:  completed stops are secondarily sorted by actual completion time beginning with the most recent.

  • Start Time: When Start Time sort is selected, stops are sequenced in chronological order based on the start of the stop time window.

  • End Time: When End Time sort is selected, stops are sequenced in chronological order based on the end of the stop time window.

Quick Tips:

  • This can also be set from the Settings screen.

  • This does not apply to the Map View.

Create New Consolidated Stop

Driver(s) must have the “Manual” mobile option under Consolidation enabled.

  • To allow all or a group of drivers to create new consolidated stops, go to Maintenance > Mobile Option Sets. See Mobile Option Sets (Classic Operations App) for the Classic Operations App or Mobile Option Sets for the Operations App.

  • To allow specific drivers to create new consolidated stops

    • In the Classic Operations App, go to Maintenance > Mobile Users. See Mobile Users.

    • In the Operations App, go to Maintenance > Drivers then the Mobile Options tab of the driver record. See Drivers.

Visible if the Manually Consolidate Stops setting is enabled. See Settings in the Driver App.

Tap to create manually consolidated stops. See Stop Consolidation in Nextstop 3.

View Status Help

Tap to display the explanation of colors and the related status.


Enable Bluetooth Scanning

Enables the use of a Bluetooth scanner.

Quick Tip: This can also be set from the Settings screen.

Enabling this option without a paired Bluetooth scanner will cause the keyboard to display.

Location Scan

Tap to perform a location scan.

Map View

Requires Driver App 3.2 or newer.

Visible when in List View.

Tap to switch to the Map View of the stops list.

List View

Requires Driver App 3.2 or newer.

Visible when in Map View.

Tap to switch to the List View of the stops list.



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