Stop Info in the Driver App

For driver documentation see Stop Info.

Drivers can view and edit information about a stop on the Stop Info screen.

For Driver App 3.0.16 or newer, the driver will see a pop-up to let the driver know that the stop is for a contactless customer.







Field Name


Field Name



Name of the stop.


Tap on the stop’s address to view the address in the driver’s mobile device’s default map app.


Stop pickup/delivery comments.

Contactless Pickup/Delivery Instructions will be displayed here.


Shipment Details

Visible for on demand orders only.

Tap to see the shipment details.


Flight Info

Tap to see the flight info.


The number of pieces to be picked up or delivered at the stop.


The total weight of all the pieces to be picked up or delivered at the stop.

Billing Group

Billing group for the stop.

Reference 1

References for the stop.

Reference 2


BOL, or Bill Of Lading, for the stop. This can be used for grouping/filtering on the Stops List screen.


Customer Account Name(s).

Tracking ID

A letter D for on demand or R for routed and the stop ID. Non 0 numbers after the decimal mean that it is a continuation or return stop.

Pickup Ready

The time that the stop will be ready.

Delivery Ready

Min Time

Preferred Time

The preferred time of the stop

Pickup By

After this time, the stop will be considered late.

Deliver By

Max Time

Total Order Mileage

The distance calculation based on the exact mileage between the Origin Location address to the Destination Location address.


Driver pay amount for the order or route stop. For route stops, this does not take into account any route Minimum and Maximum amounts set.

Status Codes

The number of status codes on the stop will be displayed in parenthesis. Tap on Status Codes to view the status code on the order. See Status Codes in the Driver App.

Accessorial Items

The number of accessorial items on the stop will be displayed in parenthesis. Tap on Accessorial Items to view the accessorial items on the order. See Accessorials in the Driver App.


The number of attachments on the stop will be displayed in parenthesis. Tap on Attachments to view the attachments for the order. See Attachments in the Driver App.


The number of parcels on the stop will be displayed in parenthesis. Tap on Parcels to view the parcels associated with the order. See Parcels in the Driver App.

Options Menu

Menu Option


Menu Option


Enable Bluetooth Scanning

Enable/Disable Bluetooth scanning. See Setting Up Bluetooth Scanning in the Driver App.

Flag as Next Stop

For On Demand only.

Mark the stop as the next stop.

Where this is seen in the Operations App

Received At Dock

For On Demand only.

Mark the stop as “Received At Dock”. See Received at Dock in the Driver App.

Where this is seen in the Operations App

Reject Stop

For On Demand only.

Reject the stop.

Where this is seen in the Operations App

Deactivate Stop

For Route Stops only.

Deactivate the route stop.

Make Next Stop

Mark the stop as the next stop.

Add Stops to Consolidation

Add stop to a consolidation.

Location Scan

Location scan for the stop. This will automatically mark the stop as “Arrived” if it is not already.

Where this is seen in the Operations App

  • Timestamp is displayed if the on demand/route stop was not marked “Arrived” before the locations scan in

    • The Arrived field of the route stop form.

    • The At Origin field of the Picked Up and At Destination field of the order status for on demand. The default Operations App Shipping label includes a barcode used for this feature.