Driver Ranking Configuration in the Classic Operations App

Driver Ranking Configuration in the Classic Operations App

You can rank drivers on the On-Demand Dispatch board to help find drivers best suited for a selected order. This can be helpful when determining which driver should receive a specific order, especially when a dispatcher may not know the drivers well, or it can also be a way to reward your higher performing drivers with more work. 

The setting values will be unique based on your company. Below are recommended starting values that will need to be tweaked with some trial and error for driver ranking to perform best for your company.

How is Driver Ranking Determined?

All drivers start with a base score of 3000 points. Points are then added or removed from that score depending on settings in the Dispatch tab of the Global Optionsdriver records, and vehicle records.

Setting Up Global Options

To set up Global Options for driver ranking configure Enforce capabilities when ranking and Tunable Dispatch Parameters. See Global Options.

Enforce capabilities when ranking

Configure the Enforce capabilities when ranking field is on the left side of the Dispatch tab. Select how Capabilities set in the driver record will affect driver ranking.

  • Enforce - The driver score will be 0 when the driver doesn't have the capability needed for the order.

  • Warn - The driver score will not be affected and the dispatcher will receive a warning that the driver doesn't have the capability for the order. The driver score will be highlighted yellow when the driver does not have all the capabilities for the order.

  • Ignore -  The driver score will not be affected and the dispatcher will not receive a warning that the driver doesn't have the capability for the order.

Quick Tip: Select "Enforce" or "Warn" if you use driver capabilities.

Tunable Dispatch Parameters

The Tunable Dispatch Parameters is on the right side of the Dispatch tab. This is where you configure how many points to deduct from a driver's score based on 3 parameters.

Quick Tip: Use the left and right arrow keys to adjust the Tunable Dispatch Parameters values.

  1. Configure how many points to deduct from a driver when he/she is late (Red Vehicles) or almost late (Yellow Vehicles) for a stop. 

    The recommended value for Yellow Vehicles (almost late) is 500 and 1500 for Red Vehicles (late).

  2. Configure how many points to deduct based on the direction the driver is traveling. 

    The recommended value is 0.50 so that it will not hurt the driver too much if he/she is going in the opposite direction since he/she can make a U-turn to go in the right direction.

  3. Configure how many points to deduct based on how many miles away the driver is from the order. 

    The recommended value to start with is 25. Then adjust as needed.

Setting Up the Driver Record

You can add a Performance value on a driver record to add to the driver's score. The maximum Performance value is 255. This can be used to boost driver scores of high performing drivers. See Drivers (Classic Operations App).

If you have configured Enforce capabilities when ranking in the Global Options above, make sure that the correct Capabilities have been checked on the driver records.

Setting Up the Vehicle Record

The Min weightMax weightCapacityParkingRelative speed values on the vehicle record for the driver affect the driver's score. See Vehicles (Classic Operations App).

  • Min Weight is the minimum weight that an order must have to allow the vehicle to pick it up. If the weight of the order is less than the Min Weight the driver's score will be 0.

  • Max Weight is the maximum weight that an order can be to allow the vehicle to pick it up. If the weight of the order exceeds the Max Weight the driver's score will be 0.

  • Capacity is the maximum weight of all the orders assigned to the driver of the vehicle. If the weight of all of the orders equals or exceeds this the driver's score will be 0. 

  • Relative Speed is added to the driver’s score.

Using the Driver App and a GPS Enabled Device

For best results, drivers should use the Driver App with a GPS enabled device. This gives the best possible ranking as the Operations App will know where each driver is currently located.

Results can also improve when drivers use the Flag as Next Stop option in the Driver App Stop Info screen. This will increase the driver's score if the address of the stop flagged is the same address as the selected order.

How to Rank an Order

Order the drivers to find the driver best suited for the order.

  1. Select an order and right-click on the order.

  2. Select Rank or press the number 7.

  3. Drivers will be ranked by the highest score to lowest in the Active Drivers grid. 

Quick Tips

  • Scores highlighted yellow indicates that the driver does not have all of the capabilities.

  • Scores of 0 indicate either the weight on the order does not meet the Min weightMax weight, or Capacity on the driver record, or the driver does not have all the capabilities if the Enforce capabilities when ranking Global Option is set to "Enforce".


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